In its address to the UN Human Rights Council, the World Evangelical Alliance proposes better training on religious freedom for state officials and politicians.
A report warns about regions in Spain where educational protocols restrict parental rights and push minors into gender transition without medical advice.
We must call on Europe to make a critical assessment of the results of its policy of renouncing the biblical worldview. We must offer hope for revitalisation.
In January, the state Duma will discuss a law that would end all religious activity in residential buildings. Orthodox Church, Catholic Church and Adventists also oppose an initiative that “creates ground for interfaith conflicts”.
A concise joint Christian statement signed by Pentecostals, Baptists, evangelical Lutherans, as well as the Roman Catholic bishops, denounces the “activism” and “pressures” of the government.
The leader of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance is invited to speak on freedom of conscience, as ‘Reformismo21’ opens a channel to learn about what evangelicals think of a range of societal issues.
Authorities attend the presentation of the book by evangelical theologian José Moreno Berrocal, which underlines the valuable Christian contribution to freedom of conscience.
“The ideas of the Reformers spread rapidly throughout Europe, emphasising freedom of conscience”, stressed an evangelical leader at the presentation of the initiative.
The Dutch microscope pioneer, Jan Swammerdam, saw the magnificence of God displayed even in the despised and lowly louse. To a friend he wrote: ‘I present to you the almighty finger of God in the anatomy of a louse’.
When decriminalising abortion in 1975, the famous feminist Simone Veil called on the next generations to “preserve the supreme value of life”, recalls the CNEF.
Both the European Commission and the Parliament are addressing the problem of hate crimes. But without a clear definition of what “hate” is, we will not solve the problem, writes Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels.
“Jesus Christ teaches us not to kill and he followed this also”, said a Baptist sentenced with two-year jail term for refusing military service.
Research looks at how the young in France see secularism. People between 18 and 30 are more tolerant of religious symbols in public.
As the Dutch led the way in shipping, map-making, navigation, trade, art and science, new ideas about God, man and the cosmos were conceived by Amsterdam-based thinkers like Descartes, Locke and Spinoza.
Tthey move with great ease by means of the lateral undulations of their bodies. They can do this because their skeletons are made up of short, broad and floating vertebrae.
It is amazing that a doctor and member of the parliament is now one of the most visible evangelists in Finland.
The Christian community as a whole needs to awaken to the intensity and pace at which secular intolerance is progressing.
An interview with Argentinian climate scientist Fernando Primo Forgioni, a committed Christian. “My generation was the last to be brought up with conceptions of an infinite world in which environmental problems were a secondary issue”.
Dzmitry Dashkevich was re-arrested as he was ready to leave prison. He has not been able to meet his youngest child, born while he was awaiting trial.
Chat GPT-4, the risks of mass surveillance, singularity, the future of workplaces… Charlie Catlett, computer scientist researching the internet since the 1980s, analyses the exponential growth of Artificial Intelligence.
What are the challenges posed by the exponential evolution of AI in recent months, and should we be optimistic about the future? Computer scientist Charlie Catlett, a researcher of the internet since the early days in the 1990s, answers key questions.
A court accused the First Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists of Bryansk of “introducing 'modern' ways of communicating according to 'Western standards'".
The document launched by the government focuses on how religious expressions impact the relationships of co-workers.
Several people were fined for quoting "Thou shalt not kill" publicly. Parliament passed a draft law to punish the spreading of “false information” about Russian army.
What role can faith communities in Europe today play in recovering foundations for sustainable, just and flourishing societies?
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