Around 2,000 young adult Christians from 75 countries celebrated New Year together in Poland. The movement focusing on mission in the old continent emphasises the need to “prepare the way” for revival.
The team behind the end-of-year gathering for thousands of Generation Z young adults longs to see “personal revivals for the love of Jesus”. Director Sarah Breuel points out “the huge difference between consecration and legalism”.
Vaughan Roberts reminded that the biblical truth about sexuality is “good news”. Other major contemporary challenges - social inequality, poverty, climate change - were addressed on the first full day at Lausanne 4 in South Korea.
Far too often in the mission world, we mistake burnout as the height of service to God, but effective service cannot be done by a burnt out, shrivelled body, mind, or soul.
The Revive Conference at the end of year in Krakow hopes to gather 3,000 young people. “We ask God to do what He alone can do”, says director Sarah Breuel.
Photo gallery of Revive Europe 2022.
Revive Europe gathers the new generation for repentance, forgiveness and awakening.
The road may be long, healing will not be quick. But then comes the encouragement to wait on God, listen to Him, and learn to trust Him again.
The Revivalympics initiative encourages students to pray for a revival in the university context. Over 1,100 “from every corner of Europe” have already registered for the second Revive conference at the end of this year.
The conference organised by IFES Europe will take place next December in Karlsruhe, Germany, under the theme “Revive our hearts, revive our universities, revive Europe”.
The perspective of Sarah Breuel (IFES Europe), a Brazilian Christian worker in Italy.
The online event looked back on the impact of the Cape Town Lausanne Movement global gathering, 10 years ago. ‘Impact groups’ shared about how they prepare for the 2021 European conference.
“This conference is an impressive example of how the church has been adapting during the pandemic”, a participant says. 25 Networks, 101 workshops, plenaries and mentoring were available online.
Ten months of prayer start with Italy, Belgium and Cyprus. “We are longing for God to turn the tide for the gospel in Europe”.
Why would someone take their life and the lives of people they have never met, including an 8-year old girl, in the most despicable way? What were they hoping to achieve?
The IFES European Student Evangelism Conference gathered 1,700 students from around 50 countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany). This year, the conference theme is Presence.
This is God’s work, taking whispers from the margins and translating them for many to hear, speaking truth to power.
Evangelical leaders from England, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic and the Netherlands analyse the situation from a biblical perspective.
“I see a generation that is humble to build on the wisdom of previous generations, but also bold enough to contextualize it and come up with new initiatives for global mission”, says Sarah Breuel, Chair of the Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering 2016.
Being in the background does not absolve us from living by faith. Indeed, it is often in background roles that God can most effectively develop our character and our faith.
Hundreds of churches and Christian organisations across Europe work to help marginalised people in their cities. Juan Simarro (Madrid) and Sarah Bennetch (Rome) speak from their experience.
Researching evidence for the Big Bang was a turning point in her conversion:” I was awakening to what Psalm 19 tells us.”
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