The list is long of prophets and spiritual leaders who dared to speak the truth to rulers who crossed God-ordained thresholds – often at great cost.
Users of Facebook, Instagram should now be even more careful when using social media. Meta no longer wants to rely on fact-checkers in future. A perspective from Europe.
As we preach this Christmas season, let’s not miss the opportunity to highlight the glorious truths contained in the songs we sing.
Vaughan Roberts reminded that the biblical truth about sexuality is “good news”. Other major contemporary challenges - social inequality, poverty, climate change - were addressed on the first full day at Lausanne 4 in South Korea.
The Lausanne 4 congress deploys the term ‘polycentric Christianity’ to describe the shift from being solely a ‘EuroAmerican religion’ to a global one.
While some worldviews may be closer to a biblical understanding of reality than others, they are still the wrong map.
“Spiritual beliefs and feelings cannot be disregarded as irrelevant”, says the Spanish Evangelical Alliance in a document on the government's new Democratic Regeneration Plan.
I don’t want to condemn the church in the 1930s without acknowledging how easily cowed the church in the 2020s might prove to be.
Society may be conditioned to support an approved narrative, but we are called to be men and women of truth.
No matter what some candidates might tell you, there are no easy fixes to complicated issues. We trust that this list of questions will help you in your preparations for the European elections.
Every little detail of your preparation will build the character of the message, but the defining moments will fundamentally change the outcome of your process.
The battle for the Truth is “the good fight”, the one worth fighting for to the end, the race par excellence.
The work of Pedro Tarquis and Pablo Martínez as founders of Spanish news website Protestante Digital was awarded in Madrid.
Be aware of the role of artificial intelligence in elections, especially in your social media timeline. Truth and trust should go hand in hand.
As the two-year anniversary of Putin’s ‘special operation’ in Ukraine approaches, we can be tempted to be discouraged and feel our prayers are not being heard.
Over 600 teenagers attended XØ2023 in Madrid, a space where they could ask their questions and receive answers centred on Jesus.
The Bible is true and it is effective, for the God who inspired it is a God of truth, and a God of great communication.
Who we are becoming will determine how we are able or unable to deal with the crises in Europe.
God calls you to be a different kind of person: without being deceitful and cheating, without false words or pretense.
Ecclesiastes mirrors, in my view, a general feeling of people in our contemporary Western world. Life is meaningless, says the ordinary human being.
Without truth there is no trust, no genuine communication, no real community, no true democracy. Only manipulation.
Tearfund encourages people to get supporters to sponsor them to wear only 10 items of clothes for one month and use the money to help vulnerable communities.
A study of the University of Rio de Janeiro stresses that "a critical reading is needed" to face the circulation of false information in the digital media.
We absolutely should be loving our neighbour, but it is important to think through what that really means.
Sometimes we mistakenly believe that those who trust in God will not suffer any wrong.
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