It would be wise to acknowledge what raw individualism takes away from us.
Here is where it gets interesting: they marry. And have kids. And Tim’s father dies.
Our grand truth arrives only with a definitive encounter: only when we meet our Creator.
Today secularist and religious camps have grown so far apart. In Einstein’s perspective, science and religion are not in contradiction,
To believe or not to believe, that is not the question. The question, instead, is: what to believe?
For Christians the paradigmatic model of success served others and gave his life for our rescue.
One of the crucial steps to spiritual sanity is the realization that the devil exists.
If you want to search and know God, his church is crucial.
The future has a curious power to shape us.
The way we answer the question Who is Jesus?, will change the way we answer every other existential question.
The human heart longs to worship. We are desperate for someone who will captivate our attention.
A generous attitude to a city forms citizens instead of consumers, communities that seek to promote the common good instead of promoting just their own agenda.
God chose to assume all risks and to give of himself sacrificially, so that we may glimpse what love is.
Humanity’s collective memory recalls up to a certain point, when we found ourselves already breathing in this wondrous world.
Truth will bind us and therefore free us evermore. We will be free to be the persons we were created to be.
Life is decided in boring moments as well as in epic ones.
No story can move us like the story of the Author entering our plot to give his life for the bliss of his people.
I’ve finally come across the term that wraps my mind around the nuanced social reality I see in Europe.
That trip felt like a cautionary tale: like a chance to look back to a phase like one day I’ll look back to the whole of my life.
Our contemporary romantic beliefs make us long for someone who probably does not exist.
The idea is to have an expert introduce a subject in a competent by readable way, in about 100 pages or so.
What will catch my eye? What will I worship? What will I surrender to?
The painting portrays Gauguin’s struggle with the meaning of existence.
The purpose of the world is a grand but also a personal question.
When we travel we see reality with a different set of eyes; we not only taste new food, smell exotic aromas and hear foreign voices, but we also come to look at ourselves differently.
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