The EEA General Assembly gathered to consider how Evangelical Christians across Europe might more effectively communicate the historic, biblical gospel to a secular society.
I have attempted to demonstrate that the Catholic and Protestant systems of salvation are mutually exclusive, and that ecumenical dialogue must take seriously the distance that the word “alone” puts between them.
Although it is hard to believe, only a very small portion of evangelicals have actually read them. Here are number 1, number number 27, number 36, and seven more.
Any information that we have today of the existence of Spanish sixteenth century reformers we owe to a faceless man, Luis de Usoz (1805–1865).
The German Bible Society gives a “Luther Bible 2017” to every German who has the same surname as the Reformer.
About 160,000 Christians gathered in Kiev. Evangelicals are “grateful for the opportunity and freedom to share the Good News in Ukraine today”.
“The goal is not only to sing, but to tell what God has done in our lives”, says the director of the Choir of the Reformation of Galicia, one of several groups touring in Spanish regions this year.
Mauricio Macri attended a big musical concert to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
Two eangelical leaders spoke about the meaning of Grace and the centrality of the Bible on the TVE news channel.
Red Cross donation buses were invited to some of the commemorative events of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. “408 lives will be saved”, they said.
The only way the Reformation could possibly not still matter would be if beauty, goodness, truth, joy and human flourishing no longer mattered.
Church leaders met King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and the Justice Minister. “We ask God for His light to shine on your life”, the delegation told the Spansish Head of State.
A journey back into the past has encouraged us to believe that God is not yet finished with Europe.
Theologian Don Carson spoke on the freedom offered by the gospel. Rising numbers of children and youth among the 4,000 conventioners visiting the English Lake District each week.
A week of lectures, seminars, and discussions to study and evaluate Roman Catholic theology and practice.
Spanish preacher and songwriter Alex Sampedro: “It is time to make it clear that we want to bless the cities, we want to present Jesus to the people around us.”
The 8th Evangelical Congress was held, a Festival of Hope celebrated Jesus in the centre of Madrid. A commemorative service gathered 8,000. “Spanish society benefits from the action of evangelical churches”, says Justice Minister.
Around 10,000 gathered in Le Havre to pray and reflect about the Reformation. Nick Vujicic was the main speaker. Additionally, 1,000 young people were sent to evangelism projects all around France.
In her visit to the 8th Evangelical Congress, Manuela Carmena lamented the lack of knowledge of the Protestant Reformation in Spain.
Hundreds of young participants meet in Le Havre to receive training, enjoy fellowship, take part in social projects and share the gospel. A big celebration on France’s national day will close the week.
Around 1,000 young people receive training and share Jesus’ message in a week-long urban camp. The 500th anniversary celebrations will close with a big festive event in the centre of Madrid.
There are three great benefits of art, which every Christian should embrace: beauty, truth and imagination.
Ravi Zacharias spoke at the General Assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Hundreds joined a march in Rome to pray for the country.
“We wanted to create something that not only told the story of Luther and the Reformation but also the good news of Jesus”, says Jonathan Carswell.
A mystery play narrates the Swiss Reformer’s life from the point of view of Anna Reinhart, his wife.
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