Evangelicals in Northern Ireland underline his relationship with adversary Ian Paisley and pray that the “journey towards peace” continues.
Eight in ten citizens voted in key elections. Far-right candidate only gets 13% of the vote and Right-wing Liberal Mark Rutte will try tro form government. Christians are called to “ministry of reconciliation”, evangelicals say.
Representatives from across the world sign manifesto denouncing those who “hailed the US President as a Christian and a prophet.”
Detained asylum seekers enter hunger strike as President Janos Ader is re-elected. Christian expert Paul Sydnor says new measures only result in people “becoming re-traumatized.”
A climate of tension surrounds the Dutch general election, which will be held on Wednesday 15. The Missie Nederland General Secretary, Jan C. Wessels, hopes “the values of the Dutch people, which are partly rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition, will conquer.”
Whether the election results swing left or right, the church will always steer its own course. And she will not be afraid to be critical of the government where the gospel would require. A manifesto by theologians Janneke Stegeman and Alain Verheij.
The European Evangelical Alliance warns about “the growing phenomenon of angry, polarising, post-truth rhetoric that is infecting political debate in many nations, including the Netherlands.”
The EEA joins other 160 civil society organisations in demanding “statesmanship that stands up for humanity and dignity and that addresses people’s fears, instead of fuelling them.”
“Morocco is changing, Mohamed VI has said that he is the king of all Moroccans: Christians, Jews and Muslims”, says Mustafa. “Seven of us came out of anonymity, trusting that God would protect us.”
Christian leaders in the UK met the Prime Minister. She said: “We must ensure that people feel able to speak about their faith, and that absolutely includes faith in Christ”.
Top politicians, LGBT activists and social media users condemn bus carrying message: ‘Boys have penis, girls have vulva’. Evangelicals demand dialogue and warn against “anger that diminishes capacity of reasoning”.
Citizens from all over Europe are driving to Brussels to offer themselves as ‘Official European Chauffeurs’, willing to bring refugees to their respective countries.
Anger and fake news are “poisoning society and making it harder to understand what is really going on”, says EEA Socio-political representative Julia Doxat-Purser.
Perspectives on freedom of worship, poverty, education and sexuality are given. “Evangelicals are worried about the growth of the extremes”, says CNEF President Étienne Lhermenault.
Southern Baptist Russell Moore: “Christians must continue to insist that the worldview of the sexual revolution harms men and women and advocate for the inherent dignity of all.”
During her first press conference, Nikki Haley stated that the UN has “breathtaking double standards” with Israel, but the US “will not turn a blind eye to this anymore.”
Gavin Matthews on Arkady Ostrovsky’s The Invention of Russia.
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, led the race with 43% of the votes. He is the first Christian who governs the city and is currently under trial for blasphemy charges.
I wish our public discourse would reflect the complexity of life more fully.
“As Christians, we have a historic call expressed over two thousand years, to serve the suffering”. Signatories include Timothy and Cathy Keller, Ed Stetzer, Max Lucado and Bill and Lynne Hybels.
“The basic nature of the Macedonian crisis is moral”, says Nikola Galevski, a pastor in Skopje. “Pray that the church will clearly see its specific calling for a time like this”.
“The European Union is a failure”, she said. Le Pen’s manifesto of 144 “commitments” pledges to “give France its freedom back”.
After 10 years, Christel Lamère Ngnambi will leave his position to pursue a PhD. Advocate for religious freedom, Arie de Peter will take over the role.
“Taking the streets is a step forward, that goes beyond just praying on Sundays in churches for those in authority”, says political expert Adrian Petrice.
In his first National Prayer Breakfast, the President of the USA says he will eliminate the Johnson Amendment to “let religious representatives speak freely without fear of retribution”.
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