The deepening partisan ideological divide in all sectors of US society will mean that governance will most likely lurch from one extreme to another. This will have major ramifications for the church and mission.
The words “father” and “mother” are replaced by “parent who gave birth” and “parent who did not give birth”. Government and opposition voted together.
About 1,400 children and teenagers (with parents and youth leaders) asked the Swiss government to readmit nine Christian youth organisations that have been expelled from the national “Youth + Sport” programme.
The Ibero-American Congress for Life and Family writes letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calling to protect freedom of speech. The platform unites 600 representatives from 16 countries.
Violence could break out in Hamburg as thousands protest against world political leaders. Christians set up five Houses of Prayer.
The German Evangelical Alliance describes the Protestant State Church’s support for gay marriage as “catastrophic.” The law was passed despite the opposition of Chancellor Angela Merkel.
“Firmness, gentleness and humility” are needed, says Etienne Lhermenault, President of the National Council of Evangelicals in France.
The bill could be approved after the summer. A state agency would actively promote LGBT ideology in schools, workplaces, sport events and media. Anyone accused of discrimination will have to prove their innocence.
“Any restriction of freedom of worship, conscience, or expression would impoverish the nation spiritually and intellectually, and affect evangelical Christians who publicly testify to their faith”, says CNEF representative Thierry Le Gall.
Under the slogan #IfoundmyKing, Brazilian evangelical churches celebrated the 25th anniversary of the country's biggest religious gathering. Politicians and football players support the march.
Churches and Christians are called to participate in the Refugee Sunday on June 25. The EEA has joined 18 other NGOs to oppose the current EU discourse on migrations.
LREM party, along with its MoDem allies won 350 of the 577 seats in the Parliament. Only 43% of voters cast their ballots, a record abstention.
Tim Farron had been constantly questioned for his Christian view of homosexuality. “A wiser person than me may have been able to deal with this more successfully, to have remained faithful to Christ while leading a political party in the current environment.”
Gerardo Amarilla, Uruguayan MP and former President of the parliament, was one of the first evangelical Christians in his country in such a high political position. He speaks about the challenges and opportunities for Christians in politics.
The French President’s party and ally MoDem take 32,3% of vote in first round. Abstention was at a record high, with a low turnout of 48.7% .
Theresa May’s short victory is seen as a defeat, but she promises to form 'a government of certainty' with the help of DUP. High turnout: 7 in 10 voted. Reactions of Christians.
The UK election raises two potential problems for Christians. One is not taking it seriously enough. The second is taking it too seriously.
“The image of Christians as a persecuted minority is not completely right”, says Egypt’s Bible Society Director Ramez Atallah in an interview with Evangelical Focus. He analyses the coexistence with Muslims and the role of the evangelical community.
The EAUK calls Christians to “fully engage in the election”, and “to speak hope into a society that is so often searching for meaning.”
Political and religious leaders heavily criticise the decision. France, Germany and Italy reject Trump’s assertion that the climate deal can be redrafted.
Indonesian police have named the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front as a suspect. Rizieq Shihab mobilised thousands to put pressure on judges in a ‘blasphemy’ trial against Christian politician ‘Ahok’.
The Romanian Parliament has approved an initiative, supported by three million people, to constitutionally define family as based on marriage between a man and a woman.
“Religious expression must not be repressed in the private sphere”, the new President of France said. Édouard Philippe is named Prime Minister.
Former Minister of Culture and Socialist Party leader in Madrid, Ángel Gabilondo, thanks Protestants for their contribution to the advance of “freedoms.”
The canton of Zurich calls its cities to prohibit the Salafist campaign “Read!” because it makes an apology of radical Islamism.
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