There has been 40% more Christian candidates than four years ago. Despite a dificult campaign, “God has a long-term plan”, they say.
Many hope their effort will inspire a new generation of political representatives with a strong Christian faith. “God has a long-term plan”.
The Modern Slavery law would give victims at least 12 months of guaranteed support. Charity CARE asks Christians to contact their local MP to support the initiative.
The “aggressions and hostile rhetoric” threaten the presence of the Christian minority, says the global evangelical body. “Pray for and end to the cycles of violence and death that beset the Middle East”.
Social Democrat Pedro Sánchez is confirmed as Prime Minister after forming a government with leftists Podemos. The growing socio-political polarisation makes dialogue difficult, evangelicals say.
Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and Werner Kogler (Greens) reached an agreement, which aims to become climate-neutral by 2040 and includes and stricter controls on migration.
Muslim government officials attended the Christmas service of Khartoum Bahri Evangelical Church, a congregation the previous government harassed for years.
“Evangelicals for Trump” will be presented in a Miami megachurch. A growing number of Christian voices warn that an uncritical attachment to the President could damage the gospel witness.
In a letter sent to census authorities, dozens of academics said they “are concerned that this will damage our ability to capture and remedy sex-based inequality”.
For many Christians outside the United States, American Evangelicals’ unwavering support for President Trump is bewildering.
Both goverments pass resolutions avoiding parliament. Massive pro-life demonstrations in both countries question the measures.
Caring for God’s creation is one way in which we can express our love for God.
The Prime Minister resigns after large demonstrations against political corruption and the precarious economic situation. More than 400 people died in the last 2 months.
Persecution rising toward levels under Chairman Mao.
The inequality between East and West is still visible in issues such as migration and employment. “Christians need to get involved at all levels”, says Evi Rodemann of the Lausanne Movement Europe.
“Our culture is looking for solutions that are not coming, because we are dealing with things of the heart. We need to reflect the hope that comes form God”, Peter Roskam says.
“The passion for unity is one vital way the church can serve the nation in the months and years ahead”, says Gavin Calver of the Evangelical Alliance.
There are 13 million disabled people in the UK, including children and adults, plus all of their friends and family. By voting for the party that seems nearest to how you think, you can be a part of influencing change rather than being on the sidelines.
Pro-life leaders denounced that the president intends to covertly approve a pro-abortion statute. Fabricio Alvarado, leader of the Costa Rican opposition party, participated in the march.
Pro-life leaders reveal that the President of Costa Rica intends to covertly open the door to abortion. Led by a significant number of political and religious leaders, Costa Rican Christians say Yes to life.
Without context, God’s epoch-defining intervention in human history to rescue and transform the world, is turned into an anodyne children’s story.
Jews say “a new poison has taken root in the Labour Party” while Muslims argue that “Islamophobia is endemic in the Conservative Party”. “May we be recognised as Jesus’ disciples”, the UK Evangelical Alliance says.
Brexit has had a reductionist and therefore dehumanising effect. It encourages us to see people as ‘The Other’.
After the elections, 17 of the 18 district councils are now controlled by pro-democracy councillors."The results show people's displeasure over the government”, Christians say.
A Pew Research survey also shows that 55% of US adults surveyed believe “churches and religious organizations do more good than harm in American society”.
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