When you receive feedback make sure that instead of letting praise go to your head or criticism to your heart, first take it all to the throne.
The warning is clear - if you really must have a faith, keep it private. But there is no such thing as private faith.
Somebody has said that we tend to over-estimate what can be achieved by our next sermon, but we under-estimate what can be achieved through the next five years of faithful preaching.
Like a good parent you won’t be able to serve up a feast at every meal, but you will look to offer health at every opportunity.
Present the object of faith better, don’t just pressure people to have better faith.
A healthy church requires more than just a good diet from the pulpit.
I think it would be wise to schedule a break here and there.
True biblical preaching should always be potentially life-changing, and not at just the superficial level of traditional “to-do list” applications.
A debate about science and faith between Oxford Emeritus Professor of Mathematics John Lennox and Oxford Emeritus Professor in Chemistry Peter Atkins. Moderated by journalist Justin Brierley.
Listeners are impacted when the unique message of a passage is planted in their hearts.
Knowing yourself and knowing your preaching will increasingly help you to anticipate where a sermon may start to drag.
There is no one-size fits all introduction.
I keep hearing messages that start with an engaging or humorous story (great! Attention grabbed!) and then an awkward transition to the message.
The real first Christmas is not a fairytale or a myth, it is the remarkable launch of a rescue mission that changes human history.
Every passage of the Bible is saying something about something in a unique way.
Spend fifteen or twenty minutes chatting with the guy on the sound desk as you collect your microphone, and a handful of other people you can strike up a conversation with, and you tend to learn a lot about a church.
We have to go above and beyond a casual reading of Scripture in order to speak it out to others.
Humility is not just something God prefers. Humility is not an arbitrary demand we can hope to bypass. Nor is humility a contrast to God’s supposed demand for the spotlight.
When we are expressing our dependence on and need of God, then it is our prayer that makes us most human!
How did this young boy growing up in Kalispell, Montana make such an impact on the world that celebrities like Bono sought out his friendship and counsel?
The real challenge is not filling time, but knowing what to cut out to fit the time you have.
“We have to understand the times in which we live, and have discernment”, says Doctor Peter J. Saunders.
Whichever way you plan your church Christmas schedule, you do need to pray for sensitivity to a set of potential people present.
The church slowly but surely tends to move away from the gospel just as our bodies slowly but surely move away from health.
What may stir pride in the preacher? When might we be vulnerable to this great enemy?
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