The proposal has been rejected internationally. “It is not a peace agreement, but just a ‘vision’ or ‘plan’, and that does not mean much to Israel”, a Israeli professor of international relations says.
Should we teach our children to be polite to Alexa, to say please and thank you, to respect its ‘virtual’ feelings? Or is it of no significance if children abuse, tease and bully a simulated slave-person?
The processional way was approximately 250 meters long, 20 meters wide and was adorned with 120 lions. The Ishtar gate hosted the festival of the Babylonian new year.
Two Iranian Christian women spent 259 days in prison for their faith. “God gave us an opportunity to share the gospel with people who needed to hear it”. They wrote a book about it.
Will the promotion of ‘relationships’ with machines contribute to societal wellbeing and human flourishing, or provide new opportunities for manipulation and deception of the vulnerable?
Spanish psychiatrist and author, Pablo Martínez, analyses how individualism, existential emptiness and intolerance to suffering, have become some of the main charasteristics of our society.
“God the Father, the Son and the Spirit are at work in our lives, through the gospel, to bring us into a relationship with theTrinity”, Peter Mead, Director of Cor Deo, says.
The Evangelical Alliance says “it is questionable to extend the Penal Code only for a specific group of people”. The next socio-political debate around the corner is the ‘marriage for all’ law.
Läderach had suffered attacks against its shops and boycott calls by political parties. The reason is the founding family’s support for the March for Life and their Christian views on marriage and family.
The FREPAP party combines distorted elements of Christianity and Incan traditions. Followers of the religious Andean cult believe that the founder Ezequiel Ataucusi, died in 2000, was the representation of Christ on Earth.
We are called to bear witness to God’s kingdom on earth to transform people’s lives holistically, rather than simply bringing about political solutions.
The UN International Court of Justice has issued precautionary measures to protect the Rohingya minority.
Law is now being made on the basis of which ‘victim’ group can claim priority.
After two years of intense social debate, the draft law is ready to be passed by the Senate. Two evangelical organisations warn against the “temptation of creating and augmented humanity”.
A dynamic life of faith is neither limited to the affairs of earth nor ignorant of them. It lives in the tension between heaven and earth.
The Education Minister creates a socio-political storm by saying that “children do not belong to their parents”. Three evangelical organisations join the debate about the LGBT workshops in state schools.
Why God’s four questions in Genesis 3 should still be asked today.
There has been 40% more Christian candidates than four years ago. Despite a dificult campaign, “God has a long-term plan”, they say.
Many hope their effort will inspire a new generation of political representatives with a strong Christian faith. “God has a long-term plan”.
A referendum on 9 February gives the Swiss a chance to reject the changes in the Penal Code already approved by the Parliament. The norm could create freedom of expression conflicts, the Evangelical Alliance says.
Concern for the poor, starting with those within the Christian ‘family’, is laced through the fabric of the Gospels and Epistles.
Terry English, of youth ministry Josiah Venture, says discipling young people is “walking alongside them, helping them understand that their faith is about a relationship with Christ”.
We who follow Jesus Christ have also been made priests (Revelation 1:6).
Under the new law, “mere criticism of gay marriage is not an offense”, authorities say. There will be a consultation before religious same-sex weddings become legal in May 2020.
The United Methodist Church proposes to create a new “traditionalist Methodist” denomination, as leaders say it is “the best means to resolve our differences”.
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