Over 100 women have already registered in a newly created platform for female Christian speakers in German-speaking countries. Theologian Evi Rodemann explains her vision for mentoring.
We are embodied creatures and we rightly long to interact face-to-face. This God-given longing is a compass to help navigate the deceptive and exploitative redefinition of relationships.
There could be “a significant risk of LE20/21 becoming a superspreader event”, the organisation said. The conference will be held online 17-21 November.
Where is mIssion a decade after the centenary of Edinburgh 1910?
Even if the call to listen to the Word of God is present in these speeches, it seems to lead to an increased catholicity rather than an appeal to recover the biblical gospel.
The marriage resolution passed by 254 votes in favour, and 46 against. “This will have profound consequences for the future of the denomination”, say those against it.
The Global Youth Culture Study found out about their struggles, beliefs, relationships, connectedness and who and what influences them.
The Council had justified its decision because of previous comments on sexuality of one of the speakers. Now it admits that it "acted unlawfully” and against religious freedom.
The 2021 European Evangelical Alliance annual event will be held online (7-10 June). “Our mission requires perspectives and contributions from all spheres of society”.
The articles in a daily newspaper or lyrics from a popular local song can be used to analyse underlying worldviews embedded in media messages.
The Association of International Christian Camps in Spain says many are ready to serve campers with a commitment to adapt to the current health situation.
Transformational impact is increased through a holistic perspective for engaging with the media. Many more Christian influencers have engaged intentionally with media during the global coronavirus pandemic.
Evangelical churches across the country have gathered "to pray that God will protect and bring peace to both sides", the Evangelical Alliance of Israel says.
“The demonstrations show a number of dissatisfactions, and lay out problems that need to be faced with decision and wisdom”, says a pastor in Bogotá.
We recently ran our annual mentoring and training conference. 80 women from across Europe gathered together.
The Russian Evangelical Alliance calls to “restore the peaceful relations between the peoples of both countries”. Churches in Ukraine encouraged to “pray and fast for the peace in our land”.
The Revivalympics initiative encourages students to pray for a revival in the university context. Over 1,100 “from every corner of Europe” have already registered for the second Revive conference at the end of this year.
It is not possible to avoid every negative motive all the time, but we must beware lest any of these start to fester within and then characterise our ministry.
The purpose of this article is to show ten ways in which Greco-Roman philosophy, religion, and worldview influenced Christian theology.
No matter what sort of bad habit we are fighting against, God shows us how to break it.
Psychologist Diane Langberg will address the theme “Redeeming power: understanding authority and abuse in the church” in an online event hosted by the Forum of Christian Leaders.
“Most Somali Christians are underground believers. We are a persecuted community”, explain the leaders of an online community of believers in the country.
Toward a ‘third culture’ of oneness in Christ. An article by Kirst Rievan.
Representatives of three political parties joined the conversation with the Spanish Evangelical Alliance for the public event that opens the annual Idea conference.
The conference organised by IFES Europe will take place next December in Karlsruhe, Germany, under the theme “Revive our hearts, revive our universities, revive Europe”.
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