Despite the significant evangelical growth that Spain has experienced in recent decades, a large part of society continues to ignore Protestants. Two decades later, our vision for this journalistic project remains the same.
This was the sixth edition of the youth event in Poland, in which over 3,500 people have already participated so far.
Our hearts and minds must submit to God’s sovereignty even in the most difficult situations, seeing gospel opportunities when the world sees conflict.
The contrast of the Old Testament’s Cherem wars with the Quran’s ideology of Jihad is striking. This will help understand the current debate in Sweden – and elsewhere.
The Assemblies of God in the capital, Niamey, say that “the population seems to have accepted” the situation, although other voices refer to an “unexpected” situation.
In September, MAI-Europe organises an event for Christian authors and content creators in the Balkans. Anna Shirochenskaya explains why it is important to strive for excellence in writing.
The European Evangelical Alliance will hold its General Assembly online on October, 6-7. Registration is already open free of charge.
MEPs adopt a resolution asking Indian government to take action in Manipur, where tribal and religious conflict already left 250 churches destroyed.
What we had heard about Italy is that there is a great need for the gospel and that there are few resources and few active gospel works. One idea is true, the other is false.
Around 70 people from 10 countries came to Poland.
Over three decades ago, a group of nine people from the same youth group in Cuxhaven realised that God had entrusted them to walk through life together, creating space for people.
The three-day national conference included testimonies from Ukraine and legal changes to strengthen the national Baptist Union for the future.
The event takes place every year to celebrate Pentecost. “We long for people to become familiar with who Jesus is”, say the organisers.
The Anglican cathedral and an Episcopal church in Khartoum were also raided by gunman, while an evangelical church was partially burned.
Images of the European Leadership Conference which is gathering 750 evangelical leaders from across the continent in Wisla, Poland. Gospel integrity is one of the main themes.
The event in France was started 15 years ago by the Assemblies of God. “May churches confidently accompany these young people in the visions they have for their cities and regions”.
The Bible expositions and evening plenaries of the European Leadership Forum (19-24 May) in Wisla will be streamed online.
For a week, Christian politicians and social actors from 37 countries met in Geneva. A final document delivered to the UN says “discrimination and persecution on the basis of faith” is “absent” from the Development Goals.
The country is officially in a “state of disaster” since February due to a shortage of energy resources. Christians in the country analyse the crisis.
160 people gathered in Barcelona to reflect on the need to prioritise Europe in the mission.
Around 120 leaders from 30 countries shared knowledge and prayed together for their work in the continent.
In Valencia, ‘Misión Exprés’ brought together 60 missionaries, pastors and directors of organisations. They discussed the mobilisation, financing and accompaniment of new missionaries.
Opportunities for complaint can also be opportunities to bear good witness and improve our relationships with those around us.
Who we are becoming will determine how we are able or unable to deal with the crises in Europe.
The Spanish city hosts 2 initiatives, one about religious pottery and another about historical editions of the Bible.
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