What God gives us is always the best, even though we may find that hard to understand.
God teaches us in His Word that we should be thankful. Start being thankful to you parents and to honour them right now..
God has created us, and He loves us just the way we are. This is the most simple of truths, but one of the hardest to understand.
Jesus felt the scorn of his own people, and He taught us that a prophet will often not be honoured in his own country.
God speaks and advises us personally. He shows us the way we should go. He corrects us, disciplines us, sustains and encourages us.
The most regrettable was the shamanic ceremonial in the Constitution Square, breaking the rules of a secular state, with a spiritual consecration of serious repercussions.
On the cross, Jesus suffered the punishment for all the sin of the world, He yielded up his powerful hands out of love.
Are you the first to offer sincere congratulations? Do you intend to thank God for what has happened?
God shows us the way through his word, so that we know how to live our lives, and to give purpose to what we do.
One day in heaven we will meet people like David's brave warriors, who weren't frightened of obeying their king, even if it meant losing their lives.
Dominican veteran player Al Horford became a key part of the victory. He thanked God in Spanish as he received the trophy. Head coach Joe Mazzulla also spoke clearly about his Christian faith.
Paul learnt to work for the glory of others. Have we learnt this?
Our earthly life means very little in comparison with “the great beyond ”, which is real, in spite of our present suffering and lack of understanding.
Holiness is one of God's attributes, and as His children, His holiness should be reflected in our lives.
Humility means depending on God alone in every situation, always being ready to learn from Him.
Are you the first to give sincere congratulations? Do you think to thank God for what happens to you?
God teaches us to laugh with the one who is laughing and to cry with the one who is crying
If you want to win: pray,keep an intimate and direct relationship with God and avoid evil.
God knows our real name.
Nothing is as worthy of our commitment as our family.
Life is totally different when the presence of God is a refuge and not a threat.
God does not only love us, He is love: that's one of His attributes.
There is no closed door for anyone in the world who wants to come near to God.
The most important time of each day is the time that you dedicate to being alone with your Creator.
Obeying God is not a list of prohibited things... Obedience to God is depending only, and exclusively, on Him in every situation.
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