The differences between Romanism and Protestantism.
The differences between Rome and Protestantism.
How to differentiate between the two Protestant reformers?
The Leipzing Debate in five simple steps.
King's biographer released a report which lends credibility to accusations from classified FBI documents. “It is deeply irresponsible to believe sources which can be unreliable”, a historian says.
Rome's problems are a lot more radical than they seem.
“We lament this act of vandalism”, says the Italian Evangelical Alliance. The square was named in 2015 and is one of the signs of religious diversity in the Italian capital.
The 2017 version of the Reformer’s translation is offered for free by the German Bible Society.
A rare copy of the first Bible to be printed in English has been auctioned. It is only the fourth copy to appear on the market since the 1970s.
The sexual abuse crisis has been on the table in a dramatically growing way since the years of Benedict XVI. The problem is systemic and pervasive.
The purpose of the atoning work of the Son of God.
“500 years ago, a revolutionary monk changed the European civilisation forever”, channel ‘Cosmo’ says to introduce the German production.
The singer born in Memphis was one of the greatest voices of gospel music.
How to overcome two fierce spiritual monsters.
Spurgeon's famous sermon turns 130 years old.
All the thinkers who laid the first foundations of human rights were not moralising in a vacuum.
Music cannot be “Christian”, only people can take up the cross of Christ and follow him.
Remembering the Dutch reformer, Hendrik de Cock.
This is not the story of a great man, but the story of a great God, who deeply loves miserable and tormented creatures like this monk.
“In popular usage, the word is nearly synonymous with hypocrite”, writes the well-known pastor in an article for The New Yorker magazine.
The biblical doctrines which the Reformers rediscovered and emphasised provided the framework out of which modern medicine was available eventually to develop.
The play “Memory of Ashes” recreates episodes of the life of the man who first translated the New Testament into Spanish.
Photographer Juan Pablo Serrano sees the Reformers as an example of how “God uses ordinary people”.
We are facing massive challenges in Europe and America with rapidly spreading unbelief and a weak Church. But what God did then in changing the direction of Europe, He can do again.
Lindsay Brown, Director of FEUER, talks about how the Reformation had a defining and far-reaching impact on Western educaton institutions, which profoundly influenced modern society.
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