The 12 bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran denomination backed the creation of a special liturgy for the marriage of same-sex couples. Roman Catholics and most independent evangelical churches keep defining marriage as a union solely between a man and a woman.
'We are a family. Our union is the fruit of love'.
Saying, ‘I want to make the most of life before following God,’ is to have understood nothing about what He is, nor what He gives.
One of the principles of Christianity is that the law must be obeyed, although we will see that there are a number of exceptions to this rule.
Kim Davis stopped issuing marriage licenses to all couples in June after the legalisation of gay marriage in USA.
Around 100,000 practice polygamy today in the country. A Christian ministry helps women exit these type of unions.
Friendship, faithfulness, forgiveness and acceptance. If we season everything with a big dose of good humour, and a total dependence on God, we will have an almost perfect marriage.
France and the Czech Republic stand out as countries where extramarital affairs, abortion and homosexuality are largely accepted.
Marriage changes us. It brings to light and reveals things that even we didn’t know about ourselves. This is what David Fincher’s film “Gone Girl” is about.
As a ‘polygamous heterosexual’ by nature, I don’t see myself better than my homosexual friends in many areas where I struggle. But this is no excuse for neither me nor you.
If attacks were to recur, would it not be appropriate to ask the LGBT community not to hide, and to speak up in defence of freedom of expression and conscience for every citizen?
One thing I’ve noticed amongst the so-called ‘believers’ that support gay marriage in particular and homosexuality in general is that they seem to have very little respect for Holy Scripture.
Michael Oh, CEO of the Lausanne Movement reminded Christians “the need for faithful biblical teaching and faithful biblical living.”
Marc Jost (SEA), Thomas Bucher (EEA) and Clément Diedrichs (CNEF) share their opinions. Accepting democratic majorities does not mean to renounce to freedom of speech.
Couples say that to maintain their marriage, they must add passion to their relationship, and that is true: the passion of Christ is essential.
CNEF director Clément Diedrichs tells Evangelical Focus: “The bad news became an opportunity to clarify who we are, the evangelical branch inside of Protestantism in France.”
John Piper, Franklin Graham, Albert Mohler, George O. Wood, Russell Moore and many others show their deep sorrow, and ask Christians to “keep perspective.”
The court ruled 5-4 in favour of the decision to allow same-sex marriage anywhere in the US. Obama said it is "a victory for America".
Hundreds of evangelicals attended the “let’s defend our children” rally. Italian Evangelical Alliance chairman Ciccone addressed a diverse crowd.
Some people don’t sin against God for fear of being found out. Others don’t sin because they’re afraid of the consequences. But the real reason for not sinning is love to God.
The EPUB Synod’s decision is ambiguous, because no distinction is made between candidates that carry a same sex relationship and those who take celibacy vows.
What should the Church of Christ do, but keeping on supporting God’s Word position, which includes homosexuality among the behaviours that separate man from God? An opinion from Italy.
LGBT groups use Ireland’s referendum to put pressure on the government. Pro-family activists ask politicians to protect traditional marriage.
Two thirds of the population think it is “possible” to be sexually faithful to one person for life, finds study commissioned by the Swiss Evangelical Alliance.
Evangelicals used social debate to express their views in open conversations with LGTB movement. Catholics did a more confrontational 'no' campaign.
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