“Moving away from God’s pattern for family life is not an option for evangelical Christians”, the European Evangelical Alliance says.
In a conference, the global Anglican movement supported “brothers and sisters living in restricted situations seeking to remain faithful to Christ”.
Conservative delegates from the Global South helped stop the US-majority push to approve gay marriage. Liberal churches expected to leave the denomination.
“All official school forms involving children must mention only Parent 1 and Parent 2” , the amendment passed by the National Assembly of France says.
A YouGov survey shows that “substantial portions of Western respondents” believe Islam is incompatible with society.
The Federation of Free Evangelical Churches (FEG) represents more than 450 churches in Germany. The document encourages to adapt the pastoral care to the person’s vital situation.
Jan Wolsheimer (Director of Missie Nederland) analyses the controversy surrounding a document on homosexuality signed by many evangelical pastors. “Dutch Christians are not very keen to import culture wars from the US”.
Around 250 Protestant leaders of the Netherlands, including pastors and politicians, signed the document on marriage and sexuality. Pro-LGBT groups denounced it.
“We hope that one day soon our society can learn to accept people's differences and different points of view”, said White Magazine owners.
A survey commissioned by the Coalition for Family shows that 13% back including incest in a legal definition of marriage.
Key Anglican leaders in the UK call for a “better relationship” with the global evangelical movement Gafcon.
The five Supreme Court judges unanimously upheld Ashers’ appeal against claims of discrimination. “This is a win for everyone”, The UK Evangelical Alliance says in a statement.
Just 20.96% of registered voters cast ballots, less than the 30% needed for the result to be valid.
University lecturer Emanuel Tundrea explains why he will vote ‘yes’ this weekend in the referendum to protect marriage as “a union between a man and a woman”.
Including same-sex marriage in the Cuban Constitution “is totally incompatible with the history, cultural values and thinking of the Fathers of our country”.
God chose to assume all risks and to give of himself sacrificially, so that we may glimpse what love is.
Nicholas Okoh, Chairman of Gafcon, urges to handle disagreement between Anglicans with “theological integrity” that “minimises the hurt and distress that has been all too evident”.
Romania’s senators voted to change the country’s constitution so that it defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The national referendum will be held in October.
Psychatrist Pablo Martínez uses a metaphor to explain how romantic love evolves.
Thousands of Guatemalan and Ecuadorian Christians marched to highlight faith in God as the solution to difficult situations of their countries.
Our contemporary romantic beliefs make us long for someone who probably does not exist.
The reality of our global church goes beyond what we imagine, and is growing in unexpected ways.
About 2,000 Anglican representatives gather in Jerusalem under the theme “Proclaiming Christ faithfully to the nations”. The movement has grown exponentially due to its commitment to the authority of the Bible.
In a 7-2 vote, the court held that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed “hostility” towards the baker’s religious beliefs.
The government says that Sweden is “amongst the least religious countries in the world”.
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