John Bunyan’s 15 tips on how to know if you’ve been called to preach.
It's thought one of the main reasons of the exodus is a campaign from the Danish Atheist Society, whose president said he was “immensely happy” for the record of withdrawals.
Do not worry about lost balls! Do not be interested in criticism! Do not fear responsibility! God has called you, so he will give you the strength to be restored.
“There is no dichotomy between doctrinal content and relationship”, pastor Mark Stirling says.
Denmark (91) came out on top of the list for the second year in a row, followed by Finland (90) and Sweden (89). North Korea (8) and Somalia (8) are the most corrupt countries.
“All original characters and an entire new team”, confirms producer Mark Gordon. Christian author C.S. Lewis sold more than 100 million copies of his Narnia Chronicles.
The victims were on two boats attempting to cross the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece. Top officials from Denmark, Sweden and Germany will hold talks in Brussels.
The cultural context of universities in Bulgaria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain and Denmark is very different. But Christian student movements agree on one thing: non-believers discover the Christian faith through deep personal relationships with believers:
Northern Nigerian city of Yola has twice been hit by deadly bomb attacks this year. 80 have also been wounded.
Youth worker Mark Matlock shares some principles about how the church can help young people in their path with Jesus. A video of the IDEAS project (Spain).
Anti-Inmigration Danish People's Party comes second and centre-right coalition will be able to form a new government.
According to Eurostat, the highest average gross hourly earnings were recorded in Denmark followed by Ireland. The lowest, in Bulgaria and Romania.
The NBA is quite different from other sports tournaments, because of certain customs that began in the USA. One such custom, which has now crossed over into other sports, concerns the 'sacred number'. If a very good player has had a certain number on his shirt the number is not used by anyone else.
Police estimate that around 300 people, mainly Romanian nationals, may have been exploited.
Three police officers injured. Conference about Art, Freedom of Speech and Islam was attended by cartoonist Lars Vilks and the French Ambassador to Denmark, François Zimeray.
A second priest tells the media she does not believe in the Bible’s account of Christ’s resurrection. Jesus “did not physically rise from the grave”.
According to the OECD, only 66% of women are employed worldwide, compared to 80% of men. The report also analysed the educational attainment and its impact on the labour market.
Dr Craig Evans explains the technique his team used to remove the fragment of Mark´s Gospel from the mummy mask.
A small papyrus fragment containing words from the Book of Mark could end up being the earliest copy of a Christian gospel on record.
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