By casting the sorrows that tempt us toward overwork or other escape mechanisms to Christ, we become serene and rich in spirit.
The bill aims to give better alternatives to mothers in fragile economic situations. In Italy, evangelicals welcome it as a way of complying with the 1978 law.
What is the giant that is mocking you at the moment? Who is the 'Goliath' who makes you take a step backwards?
It was developed in two years by young people from 16 countries for the Organization of American States assembly. It addresses legal, political, social and ethical issues at the international level.
A bitter person has never helped to change the world. Dreams do not belong only to winners.
Scotland follows in England’s footsteps by creating ‘buffer zones’. Pro-life groups expect silent prayers outside health centres to be banned.
God is the Lord of history, both of the universe and of the personal history of each one of us.
Satisfaction of desires is the wrong door to knock on if we expect happiness to be waiting on the other side.
Abortions soar by 17% in 2022 after the implementation of early abortion procedures at home, which accounted for six out of ten pregnancy terminations.
Undergoing spiritual training in our devotion to God means letting our character be moulded to Christ’s image.
The National Evangelical Council of France describes the new draft law as an “attack on humanity” as it puts pressure on “socially fragile people who feel a kind of duty to leave life”.
How many times have we tried to fill our emptiness by trying to fulfil a “ghost mission”?
Never forget that God created happiness and He wants us to live with a joy inside that no one can take from us.
We are fully capable of arranging and messing up our world in a few seconds rather than handing things over to the Lord.
Are we living out the teachings of Jesus in a way that reflects love and compassion? Are we willing to challenge the status quo and make necessary changes before it is too late?
I confess that, in my younger years, dedicating a few months to personal and spiritual renewal sounded like a fancy excuse for throwing the towel and abandoning the ministry’s trenches.
Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels: “The fact that a majority in the Parliament calls for abortion as a human right is no doubt discomforting to many if not all Evangelicals across Europe”.
Boosted by the decision in France, a majority voted “yes” to include abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. But opposition is expected from countries such as Malta, Poland and Hungary.
I thank God for the many men and women whom He uses to provoke us to live a thoughtful, faithful, and obedient life.
Jesus calls us to live a radically new life as His followers. We are called to be with Him, enjoy time together, learn from Him, and be transformed from inside to out.
Paul learnt to work for the glory of others. Have we learnt this?
The reason that we should take Jesus’ demand so seriously is because His mission cost Him everything.
The online class on 9 March will look at how Christians “can shepherd themselves and others from a place of burden to the experience of blessing”.
When decriminalising abortion in 1975, the famous feminist Simone Veil called on the next generations to “preserve the supreme value of life”, recalls the CNEF.
Everything we have gone through helps us comfort and encourage others who are in the same situation.
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