A Christian must be willing to sacrifice his or her life for Christ and His Kingdom, but not for the whims of the ruler of the day and his delusions of a ‘holy nation’ with its supposed ‘historic mission’.
German theologian J. Hutter analyses his theology from an evangelical perspective: “Moltmann's emphasis on experience and reason leads to a dilution of biblical teaching”.
Where there is love, the words flow.
We use God’s name in vain when we preach an empty, passive, passion-free Christianity devoid of biblical content.
Why did rebellion take place in heaven? Searching diligently, we can find answers in the Bible.
Angels, like travellers between two worlds, intervene in this world’s events. And their presence is very real.
The proposal has been rejected internationally. “It is not a peace agreement, but just a ‘vision’ or ‘plan’, and that does not mean much to Israel”, a Israeli professor of international relations says.
Theologian José Hutter addresses the challenges evangelical churches have faced in the last decade, including same-sex marriage and the split between Western historic churches and the Christian majority in Africa and Latin America.
A visible unity would make our voice more effective and credible? This is not so obvious as it might seem at first sight.
At first glance, it is difficult to understand the success of preachers of the prosperity gospel. Here, we present five reasons.
Rationalism and its corresponding Protestant theology, Higher Criticism (or Historical Criticism), have created a theological and spiritual desert condemning European Protestantism to complete irrelevance.
The sensationalist zeal of some writers and self-proclaimed experts in eschatology is as big as their incapacity to get it right.
Church leaders are usually “at the limit of their emotional and spiritual resources”, says José Hutter, theologian and pastor in Spain. A national seminar will address the challenges of Christian leadership.
Theresa of Calcutta was well-known for her work among the poor but the New Testament teaches that every Christian is a saint, explains theologian José Hutter.
Aim is “to express the gifts of the Reformation and ask forgiveness for division perpetuated by the two traditions.” “It doesn’t make any sense”, says President of the Theology Comission of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, Jose Hutter.
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