An answer by Josef Pavlinak, Director of Integrity Life.
Evangelical Christians in the country speak out about the situation. “It is our duty to make a call to prayer, to calm down and recognize the right of people to protest peacefully”, pastor José Piñero says.
James’ favourite song for me to sing with him is “Jesus loves me, this I know”.
We judge our experiences in the light of the Bible, not the other way around. That is the difference between evangelical faith and mysticism.
God has given a certain dignity to work, making it something that we cannot live without. However, if we look to our work to find meaning in life, we will end up with an empty heart.
When we respond in faith to God’s prompting, who knows how far the influence of our actions will go?
The conflict between God and Satan is not a fight between two powers with equal chances of winning.
A visible unity would make our voice more effective and credible? This is not so obvious as it might seem at first sight.
Christianity departs from any kind of moralism. What is good news for Duch, is bad news for those who consider themselves too be good and righteous.
“No one came ot help that night, no nurse to numb the fright...”
The real first Christmas is not a fairytale or a myth, it is the remarkable launch of a rescue mission that changes human history.
“Goodbye Christopher Robin” tells of the unavoidable distance between parents and their children, and the nostalgia for a lost home.
For Paul Schrader’s characters, salvation is often synonymous with self-redemption. Atonement for guilt is sought through violence, which, far from being divine, is profoundly human.
What today we call Satanism is really just a form of atheism, born out of the rejection of an all-too-familiar religion.
Are there witches or people practising magic today, or is it all one big hoax or delusion?
At first glance, it is difficult to understand the success of preachers of the prosperity gospel. Here, we present five reasons.
The growth of football betting among youth is alarming. Psychologist José María Carayol: “Bets become an emotional analgesic”.
We cannot be what we want to be, because we are not infinite creators but finite and dependent creatures.
How is it possible to conceive that intelligent people could worship Osho as a god? Because, like Sheela, by worshiping him they were serving themselves.
Salinger was born in New York to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. This mixture set Salinger off on a continuous quest for answers from different creeds.
Rationalism and its corresponding Protestant theology, Higher Criticism (or Historical Criticism), have created a theological and spiritual desert condemning European Protestantism to complete irrelevance.
Ingmar Bergman (1918–2007) staged people unable to love and communicate, condemned to always hide behind a mask.
At the 2018 Apologetics Forum in Comarruga (Spain), Michael Ramsden, Pablo Martinez, Ruth Valerio and José de Segovia analysed how society and the Bible approach the issues of personal identity, integrity, sexuality, pop culture, and environmental care.
The sensationalist zeal of some writers and self-proclaimed experts in eschatology is as big as their incapacity to get it right.
He carried out intense testimony work with hundreds of events in churches, schools, parks, bull fighting rings and in the streets of towns and villages across the country.
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