John MacArthur is no heretic. He has been faithful to Scripture, he did not deserve such treatment. His gracious response to the ‘prophet’ was praiseworthy.
The Executive Director of John MacArthur’s “Grace to You” ministry severely criticised Evangelical Focus. Director Pedro Tarquis responded by saying that the information was “rigorous and adequate”.
The ‘prophet’ managed to get up to the church’s platform and accused MacArthur saying: “You have grieved the Holy Spirit of God. Your doctrine of cessationism is an error.”
“It is not a favour done by one country to another, it is for both countries to benefit”, John Kerry said about the reopening of relationships with Cuba.
Golfer Zach Johnson says his surprise win in this week's Open Golf tournament was partly inspired by his devotion to prayer and the Bible.
There are several ways in which the church has the tendency to isolate artists and musicians.
John Piper, Franklin Graham, Albert Mohler, George O. Wood, Russell Moore and many others show their deep sorrow, and ask Christians to “keep perspective.”
When a society turns its back on the true God, the reality is very different from the one envisaged by John Lennon and the optimists of the 1960s. Hosea lived that reality and describes it to us in this chapter.
“Life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed. One of them is family”, Domenico Dolce said. Elton John and other LGBT activists have called for a “boycott”.
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