There is nothing more important than coming to know Jesus as Lord.
“Evangelicals for Trump” will be presented in a Miami megachurch. A growing number of Christian voices warn that an uncritical attachment to the President could damage the gospel witness.
The UK Prime Minister recalls Christians who celebrate Christmas “in secret”. Queen Elisabeth says: “Through His teaching, Jesus Christ shows the world how small steps can overcome divisions”.
“We strongly support the creative freedom of the artists”, responds Netflix in a statement. The First Temptation of Christ has been produced by Brazilian YouTube comedians.
Without context, God’s epoch-defining intervention in human history to rescue and transform the world, is turned into an anodyne children’s story.
All we could do was to give thanks to God and praise him for what he had done.
Jesus Christ came to this world to die on a cross out of love for you.
Which team do you belong to? Is Jesus your Lord? Don't be ashamed of it!
These words count for everyone.
Being healed physically or not is not promised; but what Jesus does is to bring healing to our souls, restoring us. calling us “daughter”, calling us “son”.
“Venezuela, your time of freedom has arrived”, the pastor said at the begining of the march. The military prosecutor ordered his arrest for “crimes of misuse of decoration and disobedience”.
A Manifesto of Church Unity: Part Two of Five.
There is nothing wrong with generous hospitality but sometimes we can overdo it or be so focussed on everything being perfect that we forget the very reason we are doing it at all.
Jesus message of selflessness, putting others first, serving others, loving others, is counter-cultural in today’s society.
Jesus taught his disciples to love their enemies, and pray for those who persecute them.
The sudden loss of a loved one leads to questions that are faced in the short film ‘Spoiler: God Wins’, where Christian Luis Neira tells his own experience.
The YWAM and Operation Blessing project aims “to be a refuge” for the thousands that cross the border everyday “to find spiritual food and help in anything they need”.
“It is not our initiative, it is not working for ourselves, it is gazing to Jesus and responding to Him. It is the language of inclining the heart that we see in Psalms”, said Peter Mead, Director of Cor Deo.
A nominal Christian at that stage of his life, Irwin experienced an unexpected spiritual encounter on the moon that changed his life forever.
The Nigerian football player, Odion Ighalo, shares his faith publicly very often.“Everything I have achieved today is because of the grace of God”, he says.
His arms are open wide, waiting for you. You'll not find a more secure and loving place.
Jesus stepped in and took upon himself the penalty and punishment for our bad deeds.
Irina Volodrska (Jews For Jesus, Ukraine) and Elia Daoud (Evangelical Alliance of Arabic Speakers in Europe) speak about how they share the gospel with their own people.
Three million evangelicals took the streets of Sao Paulo to share the gospel and “cry out for Brazil, for the families, for the end of corruption, for the afflicted hearts”.
French Christians got together to pray, give Bibles, and share the gospel. “It is a privilege to freely testify publicly about our faith”, organisers said.
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