It would be a mistake to think that their story was nothing more than the nihilism of hopeless youth. Their rage was a cry of rebellion against an empty life.
Author Philip Yancey believes Christians are “the Jesus left behind” in a world in which people respond to the gospel when it is shared through “acts of mercy”. Read interview and watch video.
Ever since Adam and Eve fell and God told her in the Garden of Eden, “Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you”, far too many men throughout history have used this as an opportunity to dominate, exploit and use the bodies of women.
The main character in “Bridge of Spies” not only believes in the power of the word, but also seeks to identify himself with the other, with the enemy.
Brainwashed in the blood of the Lamb.
Five reasons why I cannot pray to the Virgin Mary.
Christian weekly newspaper Uusi Tie (Finland) made a survey of the number of Christian baptisms among the new immigrants in the country.
Each person will carry his own sin, and that no matter how hard we try we will never be able to do anything to save ourselves or others.
Will Graham caught up with Todd Friel to talk ministry, evangelism, repentance and much more.
“I had to flee that night, leaving my entire family behind,” said Kuluseni Iguru Tenywa, the father of four children.
The event featured over 40 speakers from evangelical, Catholic and other backgrounds. It shut down five hours earlier, due to the high heat index.
How much do you value Jesus? How important is he to you? He gave all he had to be one of us. He was willing to die for you and me.
Too many gospel presentations offer only a ticket to heaven when you die. And too many Christians are walking around with hope of comfort tied exclusively to that end of life anticipation.
Sometimes, in our own lives, we suffer hurt and to become discouraged seems to be the only way of reacting. But prayer has the power to help changing our attitude.
“Jesus VR – The Story of Christ”, will be available on all major mobile and premium VR platforms on Christmas.
“In no way are we trying to minimize the large doctrinal differences of times past”, organiser Nick Hall tells Evangelical Focus. 1 million Christians from diverse Christian backgrounds are expected to participate.
After the referendum, the tensions run high. The Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom calls to follow the example of Jesus and practise “generosity and love.”
At least 10,000 Christians celebrated faith in Jesus. Believers marched thourgh central streets of Vienna.
Karen L. King’s announcement got much media attention in 2012. After and in-depth research of The Atlantic magazine, she admits she probably was deluded by “fabrications.”
The servant has to travel a road that is far from straightforward; and through his journey in Genesis 24 we can learn a lot. The one characteristic that stands out above all others is his single-mindedness in serving his master.
Who wouldn’t want to be tolerant? Raise your hand, please! But what does it mean exactly?
The survival of the Church today does not depend on Europe. But the survival of Europe as we know it certainly depends on the Church.
Hundreds of evangelical Christians from many denominations marched in Madrid (Spain) to pray for their city, the authorities and asking God to bring hope to its society. Many gathered in other cities on June, 11.
“We must respond with love and truth”, Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi said after the tragedy. Russell Moore, Samuel Rodriguez, Justin Welby, and many others have asked to pray and respect LGBT communities.
Nikos Stefanidis (Helping Hands Greece) believes that reaching refugees through “holistic ministry” is following Jesus’ example. The pastor shares stories of asylum seekers who have started to follow Christ.
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