The purpose of the world is a grand but also a personal question.
Francis’ masterpiece turns fifty-years old.
All the thinkers who laid the first foundations of human rights were not moralising in a vacuum.
“Somewhere in the French psyche, there is this idea that we are not sinful”, says pastor David Brown.
We feel pressured to live and work as a salvation project where I’m the hero of my own story.
The story of “A High Wind in Jamaica” (Richard Hughes, 1929) might sound like a comedy, but it is in fact a drama of great cruelty, capable of making the skin of most insensitive readers crawl.
It is easy to deconstruct other points of view but what about your own views?
We are hungry for it, but we fear it so much. Bend space and transcend time, no worries, but don’t ascribe it real meaning.
Now a refugee in Italy, Sayid is running away from his past. He fled his Middle-Eastern home when charged with blasphemy after he confronted an Iman who often abused sexually a boy.
When we are caught with the silverware, God offers also the candlesticks.
If you look at it realistically, Jesus was a very unattractive messiah to believe in. He was a peasant who lived in an obscure corner of the Roman Empire.
They also found evidences of the battle between the Roman forces and the Jewish rebels, which resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
Jesus understood that when religion springs out of fear it becomes really a religion of power.
In our context in Rome, Italy, adult baptism has a counter-cultural ring. Most people here are baptized when they are infants.
Our stories cannot help but echo the universe’s defining moment.
For the past decades, many scientists have affirmed so, extrapolating an overarching, all-explaining philosophy out of the biological process of the evolution of the species.
By focusing on our aspirations, resentments and grievances, the world-as-spa message exhorts us to be self-centered, begrudge the needs of others, focus on our personal freedom.
Former Minister of Culture and Socialist Party leader in Madrid, Ángel Gabilondo, thanks Protestants for their contribution to the advance of “freedoms.”
How philosophy and science point to a personal Creator.
The President of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Angus Menuge, explains what AI is, its limits and the enduring differences between artificial and human intelligence.
What is my picture of death? What awaits me? Will beauty engulf me, or will I dance on its bosom? Will I finish by myself, or will eternity ravish me with overflowing life.
“His writings made theism a serious option within academic philosophy”, the John Templeton Foundation says. Plantinga hopes “the Prize will encourage young philosophers.”
Freud paraphrases Jesus’ famous words with his own, rather peppery, twist.
Through his mysterious death in Paris in 1971, the charismatic and self-destructive Jim Morrison managed to create a legend.
Jesus is the question that haunts us still. He is the promise we dare not ignore.
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