“About 90% of the island is still without electricity, and around half without water supplies”, says Gisela Muñoz, of ABU (IFES) in Puerto Rico. Churches are working together to help rebuild the country.
A Cameroonian studying in a French university and a Serbian High School student share their impressions after the European Student Evangelism conference “Presence 2017”.
A summary video of the IFES Europe conference which brought together 1,700 students from many countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany) to reflect on God's mission in society.
The IFES European Student Evangelism Conference gathered 1,700 students from around 50 countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany). This year, the conference theme is Presence.
Spanish evangelicals propose new theses in areas like politics or science.
Over the past year, there have been protests about university fees in South Africa. Christian students are serving as mediators, engaging with both students and university management.
Students and young graduates will participate in the Biblenomics conference in Berlin (Germany), October 21-23. Economist Arttu Makipaa shares the vision behind this European network.
Samuil Petrovski, President of the Serbian Evangelical Alliance, and General Secretary of the IFES Serbia writes about the Nick Vujicic’s visit to Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro last spring.
800,000 people a year commit suicide. It is the second leading cause of death among people 15-29 years of age. Students in Brazil received training on how to respond from a Biblical perspective.
Art For Change ten-day residency organised by UESI India (IFES). “A work of art is not Christian art because it carries with it any symbol of a cross or Jesus in it, but it should reveal the truth.”
One year later, FOCUS Kenya students remember the Garissa tragedy, and share their testimonies of how their faith in God strengths them to cope with it and go on.
Over the last three months, more than 38,000 students have attended a university Christian Union mission week event in the United Kingdom.
University Christian Unions organised carol services all around the UK to share the good news of the Incarnate Christ with thousands of students. Christmas dinners were organised in other European countries.
The cultural context of universities in Bulgaria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain and Denmark is very different. But Christian student movements agree on one thing: non-believers discover the Christian faith through deep personal relationships with believers:
Students and graduates interested in politics were invited to the first Youth European Prayer Breakfast held in Brussels. “We cannot leave our faith at the door when going into politics.”
More than 1,000 representatives of Christian student movements met in Mexico to share experiences, receive training and take decisions in the IFES World Assembly 2015.
More than 1,000 representatives of national IFES student movements from all over the world meet in the Mexico World Assembly. Samuel Escobar says students have “vocation of service and a lifestyle shaped by following Jesus”.
InterVarsity student groups had been ejected from all 19 California State campuses after a controversial new policy which forced them to accept non-Christians in leadership.
Classical musicians start Ensemble Bohórquez, named after a young Reformed martyr burnt in Seville.
A graduate programme across Europe empowers the next generation of Christians as their start their professional life.
IFES in Kenya held a memorial service for twenty-two students of the Garissa Christian Union. Most were attending a prayer meeting on Campus the day of the attack.
Freedom of speech of the Christian Unions is “assured,” says Home Secretary. UCCF had reacted to Government plans to ‘protect’ Universities from radical ideas which included restrictions to Christian activities on Campus.
We must engage in rigorous, complex and thoughtful processes as we contemplate our response both to the wickedness of violence in the name of religion and the publication of offensive cartoons; be they satirical or otherwise.
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