Sexual slavery is “still taboo in our society”, says Mikaela Bruce, director of “Pasarea” (The Bird). It tells the story of a Romanian girl trafficked into Spain for prostitution.
“It is known that a good part of the women who are recruited for prostitution are minors”, says sociologist Richard Poulin.
Ionela Olguta (from Romania) died in the basement of a night club in Málaga. The Spanish Evangelical Anti-Trafficking Network demands “zero tolerance against trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women”.
Ioana Sandescu, Director of Prevention and Advocacy of eLiberare, answers the question.
“Some of the most traumatised people I have met are trafficked women whose customers have insisted –sometimes forcefully– on replicating acts from porn films”, explains lawyer expert on pornography Dr. Ann Olivarius.
“Pray that God would use Guterres and the UN to lessen the suffering in our world, and in humility serve those who are most vulnerable”, says World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Efraim Tendero.
509,980 is the number of people forced into labour in the EU. That’s more people than those living in Toulouse. Or Liverpool. Or Gdansk. Or Antwerp.
Walk for Freedom in many European cities dennounced that “every 30 seconds, someone becomes a victim of modern-day slavery”. Churches had Freedom Sunday special worship services.
Many churches worldwide will celebrate the Freedom Sunday on October 16 to raise awareness of human trafficking and slavery. ‘Don’t shut your eyes’ is the initiative of the European Freedom Network.
‘Don’t shut your eyes’ is the new initiative of the European Freedom Network. “When we see a child begging at a time when the child should be in school, why do we walk by?”
Is the red light district the best place to have church activities? “When I try to imagine where Jesus would want a church, I definitely think it would be here”, says the pastor of International Church Prague.
About 120,000 people are sexually exploited in Italy. The ‘Alleanza Tesori Raggianti’ network partners with local churches to offer “true healing in Christ”, Erika Tello explains.
“Factors that increase the risk for refugees in Europe are denial of asylum, criminal activity inside the camps, unsafe living situation, minority status and isolation”, the European Freedom Network explained in a webinar.
Paraguayan women were deceived with jobs in Europe. Fifteen victims have been liberated in Pamplona (Spain), Nantes and La Roche-Sur-Yon (France).
Kajsa Wahlberg: ‘Criminals are businessmen; they calculate profits, marketing factors and risks of getting caught before investing time and money into selling women in a particular place.’
The producer is also charged with sexual abuse of minors and distribution of child pornography. The victims are from Eastern Europe.
“There are around 33,000 prostituted women in France, and 80% are victims of trafficking”, says Marcel Georgel. He works algonside victims of human trafficking in Nantes (France).
Around 26,000 unaccompanied children entered Europe last year. Most of them are targeted by criminal gangs. Some have been sexually exploited, Europol informed.
The victims were on two boats attempting to cross the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece. Top officials from Denmark, Sweden and Germany will hold talks in Brussels.
The Spanish Christian association Diaconia, organised a seminary about human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Representatives of all political parties debated about prostitution.
An updated ACAPS report shows that Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia are receiving more than 6,000 new people every day. “Access to healthcare and psycho-social support” should be a priority.
The criminal organisation exploited about one hundred Nigerian women. Prostitution and Human Trafficking are still major issues in Spain.
Child trafficking, forced labour, domestic servitude and trafficking for sexual exploitation, are real problems today. Many events all around Europe have tried to raise awareness about it.
Operation Sophia is a new tool to persecute traffickers in the Mediterranean sea. Dozens of boats are still drowning every week.
Scotland becomes the final part of the United Kingdom to introduce anti-trafficking laws. Human trafficking is now a specific offence, and the punishment for offenders increases to a maximum life sentence.
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