The FBI shuts down major prostitution websites and prosecutes owners. Christian activists celebrate move and hope it will help fight sex trafficking in the US and abroad.
Christians aged 30-39 write about Jesus in a book addressed to their own generation. The money raised will go to an anti-trafficking organisation.
In Spanish cities, “flyers on cars offering services for 20 euros and a drink – it’s so normal most people don’t bat an eye”, says filmmaker Mikaela Bruce.
Police experts, the city hall and anti-trafficking movements raised awareness on sexual exploitation of women in Valencia (Spain). A workshop linked pornography to the eroticisation of violence.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning “the practice of surrogacy, which undermines the human dignity of the woman since her body and its reproductive functions are used as a commodity”.
A short film shows the work of Pastor Gennaro Chiocca among victims of trafficking in Italy, the European country with the highest rate of prostitution.
A video about the way traffickers target teenage girls online, produced by anti-slavery gorup Abolishion.
More than 32,000 cases of human trafficking have been analysed by Polaris, a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery.
The 16-year-old girls had been offered jobs as kitchen assistants. An increasing number of exploited women in Spain are nationals.
The religious group founded by Edir Macedo has been accused of trafficking children from Portugal to Brazil and the USA. Portuguese evangelicals clearly distance themselves from the “doctrines and practices” of the group.
One third of the users around the world are minors, the newest report of the agency for cihldren explains. “Many have a digital footprint before they can even walk or talk”.
What are the views of Evangelical Focus readers on the refugee crisis, marriage, ecumenism, sexual exploitation and the reliability of the Bible? We have selected the answers to some of the questions asked on our website.
A rehabilitated Spanish pimp explains how prostitution rings pay only €1,200 for an enslaved woman. “They become a blank cheque, the benefit of their exploitation could exceed €200,000”.
There is a slavery that is all the more insidious for being largely hidden and undetected: the slavery of sin.
The European Freedom Network, formed by more than 200 partner organisations, becomes a legal entity. Experts, campaigners and Christian workers shared resources at the 2017 “Bridge” conference.
The northwestern German state has formally banned 2 Hells Angels groups. "Their everyday lives consist of forced prostitution, violence, weapons, and drugs", NRW state Interior Minister says.
What if, when a police chief or politician spoke about human trafficking, we were ready to respond with our stories and expertise?
On October, 15, churches celebrate #FreedomSunday to raise awareness of world’s fastest growing global crime. Other initiatives all around the world include conferences and marches for freedom.
The new video of the European Freedom Network addresses the dangers of social media.
Young Christians gathered at Madrid’s central square Sol to denounce human trafficking. A flashmob highlighted the work of three evangelical NGOs which support women who escape sexual slavery in Spain.
Spanish preacher and songwriter Alex Sampedro: “It is time to make it clear that we want to bless the cities, we want to present Jesus to the people around us.”
The 8th Evangelical Congress was held, a Festival of Hope celebrated Jesus in the centre of Madrid. A commemorative service gathered 8,000. “Spanish society benefits from the action of evangelical churches”, says Justice Minister.
Around 300 representatives participated in the annual Baptist World Alliance gathering in Thailand. The Venezuela humanitarian crisis and the needs of refugees were also highlighted.
“Criminals may start with social networking platforms and then move to phone and video chat”, says Christian expert Ioana Humelnicu. “Being judged is the biggest fear of victims.”
About 160 participants from 28 countries met in Hungary for practical training, resources and networking. It has been the most attended Refugee Highway Partnership Roundtable so far.
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