Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in the well-known series ‘The Chosen’, shared his thoughts with us in an interview in Madrid. “You can have the greatest message in the world, but if you do not present it well, people won’t receive it”, he said.
This may be the end of an era, as it was for Augustine when Rome fell; or for the wartime generation enduring the terror of German nationalism. But this is not yet the end.
When Jesus saw the multitudes He cried . And how de we react?
The theme of the 20th congress was ‘Momentum. Culminating the mission’, which emphasised the need to imitate the character and integrity of Jesus Christ in the face of the pressures and temptations of Christian ministry.
What God gives us is always the best, even though we may find that hard to understand.
We renew our mind when we get rid of all the rubbish that the world wants to feed us with, and we fill it with the Word of God.
Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia and doctor of philosophy, has surprisingly recounted in his blog how, when and why he made the decision to follow Jesus.
The imitation instruction is not based on the burden of striving effort. Instead, it is to be fueled by the joy of a loving relationship.
God has called you, so He will make sure you get up each time you fall, and set you above what people may say.
Silence in the midst of suffering is not a judgment of condemnation, but a purification of faith.
God has created us, and He loves us just the way we are. This is the most simple of truths, but one of the hardest to understand.
God, the Bible, the communicators and listeners, are all critical features of expository preaching.
If we seek ultimate glory in the human being, we will travel all the paths of Ecclesiastes' frustration.
In the midst of war, it is humbling to be reminded that the Creator of the universe is personally interested in each of us, and that His love for us is beyond our understanding.
Although James has almost no speech communication, we see God at work in him and through him in wonderful ways.
My description of our “new normal”, which will remain abnormal for weeks to come, could be read as complaining, but in my mind it is exactly the opposite, I feel grateful.
Today's mud is a lesson for tomorrow, hard and difficult to take, but it must do more than that, it cannot be in vain.
God speaks and advises us personally. He shows us the way we should go. He corrects us, disciplines us, sustains and encourages us.
Pilar Palomero's films reflect a deep longing for answers to life's big questions, but her melancholic approach stays in the search, without reaching a conclusion.
The preacher is not a reporter of facts found during their research. He is called to speak to the listeners from God’s Word.
Keily Murillo tells the testimony of how a raging fire changed her business vision and brought her closer to God.
The arm of the Lord is a symbol of might and power that the nations should fear, and yet a symbol of tender strength that God’s people should trust.
The topic stimulated a broad comparison between the various positions and experiences in our country and beyond.
Our theological education today needs theologians who practice theology from a living relationship with God.
All the energy we waste looking outwards should be used more productively looking inwards to check what our failings are and seek to rectify them.
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