We can sow to please our sinful nature or sow to please the Spirit - in both cases we should be aware of what we are sowing for. Our sowing has consequences in the future.
The video sure gets a lot of tears flowing; but that doesn’t make it theologically accurate.
He stopped for a moment and noticed that I put a lot more into my wheelbarrow than he did in his. He tried to impress me by wheeling my barrow.
It is not about salvation from hell. It rather announces a radically different message, unheard of in generations past: that God is already dead. That in this new state of affairs.
First reason: I don’t go to Mass because Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was once and for all.
The striker scored twice for Sevilla FC, helping the team to win its fourth title. As other Colombian football players, he has a Christian faith.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem professor Yuval Noah Harari, fabricates a future with no Creator: “Humans will become God-like cyborgs within 200 years.”
That's why self-esteem doesn't work. Because of reality. You know it and I know it. Something's not right, and it doesn't become right because we tell ourselves it actually is right.
Handwritten notes in a revised version of On the Freedom of a Christian show “his relationship with God”, said discoverer.
Appreciate beauty. For you, this means a live classical music event should always be in your near future. Also, stop in that spot of sun long enough to really feel it.
The seminaries of France, Italy, Portugal and Spain gathered in Cordoba, and signed an institutional agreement of mutual cooperation.
How many times have you felt that your life has no direction, no sense to live? Even in Christ, many people may think that there is no place to go, or whom to talk with.
The books and articles all say something along these lines: 1) Figure out what you wanna do and do it, 2) poor us, we have too many options.
Please join with me on a voyage of discovery into the book of Hosea, into the heart of God, into the depths of his love, and into his dealings with a world which has turned its back on him.
It was here in Europe where scientists expected to find order and laws in the natural realm because they confessed faith in an organizing and ordering God behind it all.
The NBA is quite different from other sports tournaments, because of certain customs that began in the USA. One such custom, which has now crossed over into other sports, concerns the 'sacred number'. If a very good player has had a certain number on his shirt the number is not used by anyone else.
Did He put the eyes of faith into a few and drops of vinegar into the eyes of others? Come on! Why do some saints have faces as long as horses?
It was rush hour at the metro station L’Enfant Plaza in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of people were heading to their work on that cold January morning.
“Politicians are not going to be able to answer the questions that the world is facing today”, Graham told Evangelical Focus. The evangelist introduced Festival of Hope in Spain and talked about secularised European societies.
Franklin Graham talks to Evangelical Focus about the upcoming Festival of Hope in Barcelona, the impact of the gospel in secularized Europe and Barack Obama´s migration reform.
If God wants someone to be overwhelmed with the sense of His presence, then He can lay the man (woman) on the ground; not the preacher! Let God be God! Let the Spirit do the work! Anything else is a deceitful work of man that brings the integrity of the Gospel into question.
Nowadays we are increasingly describing ourselves by the number and the profile of the people we are connected to. The level of popularity or acceptance we perceive to have in a particular circle of people easily becomes the foundation of our self-esteem.
I live in Spain, where one in every three people between 18 and 29 years old don’t believe in the existence of God. Many other countries share a similar statistic. You might be an atheist yourself or, if not, surely know someone who is.
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