Faithfulness in encouraging someone with a phone call, a prayer, a visit, a kind look, is the equivalent of watering in the case of plants (that also takes time but it’s even prettier).
Pastor Peter Mead (UK) explains how understanding the Trinity has implications on how we understand the character of God.
During a walk near the ‘three crosses’ on a hill close to Nolay in Burgundy (France), he took me by the hand and wanted me to climb up towards the middle cross just as the storm was arriving and it was beginning to rain…
Did you know that the Bible talks about something more important than us?
I called out to two walkers who were unlucky enough to be approaching from the opposite direction: “Watch out! I’ve dumped a load of trash on the path! Whatever you do, don’t walk in it!”
Being in the background does not absolve us from living by faith. Indeed, it is often in background roles that God can most effectively develop our character and our faith.
In Switzerland, newly disembarked from the aeroplane, I notice certain details which had not shocked me before.
“People often ask me why I’m a Christian”, The Archbishop of Canterbury writes on his official page. “When I’ve failed he’s picked me up and healed and strengthened me.”
‘This song was written by one of ours, Sadhu Sundar Singh! A role model etched in each of our hearts,’ they yell at me.
All the way through that first night in India, bursts of noises from the streets climb all the way up the walls to infiltrate the badly soundproofed windows of my hotel room and arouse my Western feeling of security.
The discovery of a plane ticket to India in my letter box ten years later leaves me speechless.
He is one of the most influential musicians in Latin America, and a Christian believer. “Todo tiene su hora” (Everything has its time) earns Album of the Year award.
While I am speaking, I sense very strongly that this woman facing me, a well-known medium, is being visited by a Spirit much greater than those she has welcomed up to this day.
God's involvement with man does not depend primarily on man's personality or character, but on his love for them.
“Do we believe the objections to Christianity because they are true, or just because they are popular?”, asks evangelist Michael Ots.
Jesus felt the scorn of his own people. If this happened to the Lord Jesus, it shouldn't be surprising that it happens to us too.
An interview with Dr. R. Scott Clark.
Saying, ‘I want to make the most of life before following God,’ is to have understood nothing about what He is, nor what He gives.
The disappearance of Cristian values in Europe is seen in the way so many believers respond to the refugees. It seems that some want to defend Christian values with an attitude that goes against such values.
Leaving the house this morning, I had the impression of being entwined in an entanglement of roots of insoluble problems… I take the path which goes inside the forest and which leads me to the feet of its God.
God is love. We often find this difficult to comprehend, especially when faced with hard circumstances, because our understanding of his love is so small. We find it hard to grasp how he can hold light and love in balance.
Sometimes we hold on to the theory that if we love and obey God, everything in our life will turn out well. This is not true. It is a mistake to say that God is a form of security against all harm.
In five minutes, on the podium, it will be the decisive moment. The Spanish are going to hear me for the very first time. Curses, the toilet door is jammed! I am stuck in the loo of a paradise island: highly symbolic!
We then stray from our own objectives, and so we have our prize taken away. In the 'Olympics' of our spiritual life, materialism stops us from participating and gaining medals.
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