God’s hiddenness is one of his most unnerving qualities.
Whatever your fears are (timidity, challenges, etc.), here’s a piece of advice: if Jesus asks you to walk on water, don’t think about it too much, just do it…
The Archbishop of Canterbury has launched the “Thy Kingdom Come” campaign, which aims to encourage believers to intercede for their communities and evangelise.
Jesus is stronger than death.
A big Harley, with a roar that would make hell tremble, is parked in front of the church door.
The captain of Pharaoh’s guard, was a person who benefitted from the blessing of God on his household through the presence of a believer.
Instead of logos and pathos, Aristotle chose instead ethos: the speaker’s character.
God has placed people with more wisdom at our side to help us in difficult moments. Never despise his advice, given through these people.
The forgotten doctrine of the fear of God.
– “I beg your pardon?” – “Yes, the person you need to see is Mr Crow! Come this way, follow me, I’ll introduce him to you, I’m his wife!”
Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
As soon as I arrived at the apartment, my ten year old son called out to me from his bed: - ‘Dad! Dad! I’ve got a passage from the Bible to read to you...’
World chess #2 shares with Evangelical Focus his Christian convictions and the central role faith plays in his day-to-day life, which he defines as “simple and quiet”.
We all prayed before the computer, with its email from Beijing, opening a new door to the Holy Spirit to reach a whole country.
The gospel we nod to today is something like: believe in yourself. Be authentic. Be you. You’re beautiful. Fulfill your dream.
Both content and form speak of the divine heart beating on every page of the Bible.
According to Endô, the Catholic Japanese author whose book is the basis of Scorsese’s new film, “Silence” isn’t about God’s silence, but about how God speaks through silence and trauma.
I walk on to a stretch on the edge of the forest that is particularly full of light, and right there: Whoosh!
Being a Christian is not an excuse for mediocrity, nor is it an excuse to passively accept defeat.
I am listening to Revelation 21 which talks to me about God’s house, with its foundations of precious stones... I stop: - ‘Precious stones!’
Jamil, a former Muslim: “Yemenis follow Christ with all their hearts. There is no way back. We all know that. Becoming a Christian will cost you much”.
To speak evil of others is the sport practised by 99% of cowards, those who are afraid to solve their own problems face to face.
God did not look at the arrogant young Joseph and say, ‘That’s it. He’s blown it. I can’t do anything with him.’ Not at all.
The fact of Jesus’ death for us is an objective truth that should grip us and reassure us. Was I wanted? Most definitely, yes. The cross has proven that!
Have I ever felt hated or rejected or made fun of? Yes, I have.
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