As the second-century Christian apologist Athenagoras states, early Christians were accused of three crimes: cannibalism, incest, and atheism.
Kay Carter, Director of communications at Tyndale House, analyses how Christian scholars can engage with society to communicate the message of the gospel.
May this crisis make you ponder life and death, and what is truly valuable.
The question “Do you believe in God” has been understood in three different ways since antiquity:
The sanction includes the expulsion of the religious leaders and foreign personnel, banning the possibility of re-entering the country.
We need to learn to look for where God is at work quietly and behind the scenes. What might God bring out of all of this?
Even when people are so far from Him, God is concerned about the salvation of their souls and about their everyday lives.
God knows what is coming; He always has, and we never have. Maybe this can stir a greater humility in us all, even when restrictions ease.
For all who trust in Christ, there is real and eternal hope. In the storm, at some point, He will reveal his true glory to us.
We are “condemned” to staying at home with our partner, our children or just ourselves.
A University of Copenhagen shows that “in March, internet searches for the topic prayer surged to the highest level during the past 5 years [...] It occurs on all continents and for Christians and Muslims”.
As pastors, ministers, church leaders and preachers, we need to be very confident in God’s Word as we plunge into a global crisis.
Let us listen carefully, think deeply, change appropriately to the messages from the media and speak relevantly through the media into our society.
The cinema shows many examples of viruses that affect humans, producing devastating epidemics that remind us of our fragility and vulnerability.
The Evangelical Hospital of Barcelona has set up a special area for Covid-19 patients. They ask churches to pray for them “to continue being a light in the midst of this pandemic”.
Despair, distraction and compromise are three of them.
Mursilis was unsure if the storm god was indeed the reason for the plague that happened between 1350-1325 BCE. He panicked because libations and offerings were about to cease.
Pastor Andrew Brunson challenged Christian media to reach Muslims with the gospel. “God wanted someone weak, to be an encouragement to other weak people”, he said about his time in prison.
Psalm 91 has breathed encouragement and peace into millions of believers in the midst of trial. Its message is very relevant to our current epidemic situation.
God wants mature people, able to judge and discern correctly.
The starting point is always fellowship with the Father. We cannot give what we are not first receiving.
Prevention is key but panic and fear are irrational feelings that only lead to impulse-driven decisions.
The processional way was approximately 250 meters long, 20 meters wide and was adorned with 120 lions. The Ishtar gate hosted the festival of the Babylonian new year.
God has given us the victory in all the situations of our lives by means of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Many Christians seem to uphold traditional ideas about fatherhood that lack both the precision and nuance needed to father in today’s world.
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