The German manager of Liverpool FC: “To be a believer, but not to want to talk about it - I do not know how it would work!”
The social worker Dieter Puhl is described as “a lobbyist of the homeless”. The Christian organisation works in over 100 train stations across Germany.
The 2017 version of the Reformer’s translation is offered for free by the German Bible Society.
“We want the sensitivity of an important part of the population to be translated into regulations that effectively attack this social scourge”, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance says.
More than 750 have already registered for a conference that aims to equip and inspire thousands of students and graduates “full of faith that God can do amazing things in Europe”.
The training of imams, the foreign influence on Germany's mosques, and the role of Islamic theology in universities, were some of the topics discussed at the German Islam Conference.
“Such an army would need to be subordinated to a common government”, says political analyst Olaf Bernárdez. Some evangelicals say more military is not the solution.
In a joint statement, the Church of England and the Evangelical Church Germany (EKD) say their relationship “goes back over many centuries - long before the European Union”.
Germans value honesty, readiness to help and kindness, according to the magazine.
The Constitutional Court says the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster should not have the rights of organised religions.
Twenty-eight years without this terrible landmark of separation, family divisions, a country divided.
The laws punishes human trafficking, but prostitution remains unregulated. Christian organisation Esclavitud XXI hopes the Nordic Model will be adopted soon.
“Welcoming every child, supporting every woman” was one of the messages.
Three universities have researched the cases implicating 1,670 priests in sexual abuse. Most victims were male and 13 years old or younger.
Prayer meetings were organised in churches and streets. “The church has to be a voice for values and respect”, a Christian politician in the city says.
There are about 500 Protestant teachers of religion, who can only cover about 70 % of schools in Berlin.
The minister for families said it is “an important step toward the legal recognition of people whose gender identity is neither male nor female”.
Chaos broke out in a metro train in Valencia when passengers confused a group of preachers with terrorists. The nine Germans have been released on bail.
The EKD reports that it lost 390,000 members in 2017, more than the Catholic church, which lost around 268,000. Both blame the decrease on Germany’s demographics.
“Our well-being in Europe is a God-given gift - it obliges us to offer ourselves to help and share”, the German Evangelical Alliance says.
The increase in diplomatic tensions between France and Italy reopen the debate about the future of the European Union. “Our ties are found in Christ and are so much stronger than these political games”, says the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
Rome can be very softand adaptable in many respects, but the Eucharist is the core of its “Roman” identity and so it is strictly safeguarded.
“Europe is perhaps the greatest challenge for Christian mission today”, says the planning team of the gathering to be held in Germany in 2020.
The sentence says churches can only demand confessional allegiance when the job profile made it “significant, legal and justified”. In Germany, churches and their affiliated institutions are the second largest employer.
Businesses like Purnaa, Made in Freedom and Roam Living are helping to change the textile industry by offering good jobs in a context dominated by exploitation.
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