Scientists from Imperial College London and Berkeley University warn that “the risk of a second wave happening if all precautions are abandoned is very real”.
“Collins has demonstrated how religious faith can motivate rigorous scientific research”, the John Templeton Foundation has said. Francis Collins: “The person of Jesus emerged as the most profound truth-teller I had ever encountered”.
“This is an attempt to offer an holistic view of how Christian practice and the coronavirus are connected”, says Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World.
Self-denial is essential in the Christian life (Matthew 16:24), but unless it is coupled with following Jesus in the path of love, mercy and service, it will be of no benefit to our character.
Animists in various villages harass Christians who refuse to renounce their faith.
A Pew Research survey shows that 24% of adults say their faith has grown stronger, only 2% say it has become weaker.
An evangelical doctor working in Spain with Covid-19 patients shares his experience. “I am not a hero, I know I can get the virus and die. But I am sure that whatever happens, the Lord is with me”.
Italian pastors across many denominations continue to praise the Lord’s faithfulness in historically unifying them in prayer.
Brian ‘Head’ Welch spoke to Evangelical Focus about his life after a dramatic conversion 15 years ago. The rock guitarist says faith makes a difference in times of coronavirus. “Everything is so fragile in the world, I don’t know how people do it without a strong connection with God”.
“Faith shows that there is more than the current situation”, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, said during the “Germany prays together” online event.
Evangelical women from the Spanish city of Lugo sew medical protective materials that have already been delivered to eleven health centers in the region.
Jealousy and suspicion in marriages needs to be acknowledged, brought into the open and brought to resolution.
For all who trust in Christ, there is real and eternal hope. In the storm, at some point, He will reveal his true glory to us.
The Evangelical Hospital of Barcelona has set up a special area for Covid-19 patients. They ask churches to pray for them “to continue being a light in the midst of this pandemic”.
The coronavirus is taking many of our grandpas and grandmas. Most are on their own, isolated in hospitals, and we do not have the chance of giving them one last embrace.
Christian doctors, nurses and other health care workers tell us how they are living the coronavirus crisis.
The Bible offers not only encouragement for personal faith in a time of crisis, but also wisdom and insight to guide the Christian in a position of public leadership or influence.
Pastors of the Chinese Christian Church in Spain explain how they handle the Covid-19 crisis. “At work, we notice discrimination. Many think that the Chinese are carriers of the virus”.
How easy it is to attach God’s name to our particular cause, to our political party, to our church denomination, and boldly proclaim to the world, ‘God is on our side’.
Two Iranian Christian women spent 259 days in prison for their faith. “God gave us an opportunity to share the gospel with people who needed to hear it”. They wrote a book about it.
“God the Father, the Son and the Spirit are at work in our lives, through the gospel, to bring us into a relationship with theTrinity”, Peter Mead, Director of Cor Deo, says.
We humans are often motivated to change only when we see the consequences of our actions.
True stories about a slave turned abolitionist; a pastor who impacted US society; and one mother’s strong love and faith in the face of impossible odds.
The Liverpool FC player was baptised by his teammate Alisson Becker. Half a million react to the video posted on Instagram: “I give you my failures and I will give you my victories as well”.
Terry English, of youth ministry Josiah Venture, says discipling young people is “walking alongside them, helping them understand that their faith is about a relationship with Christ”.
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