National “Youth Study” interviews population aged 12 to 25. In contrast with Christians, 75% of young Muslims see their faith in Allah as a priority.
Although it’s licit and appropriate to enjoy what we have, it’s not if we do so at the expense of the One who gave it to us, and less so if we sacrifice His call for our own.
We all run the serious risk of falling into self-centered motivation. We want people to admire us; we appreciate it when people look up to us! And God says that this attitude is of the world and the Devil.
The German chancellor speaks about her personal life in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Her father was a Lutheran pastor.
The winning lyrics for a possible new Swiss national anthem forgo any direct reference to God. But there are possible alternatives.
The discussion on the Anti-Christ must be revived and worked out with biblical soberness and historical awareness.
Students and graduates interested in politics were invited to the first Youth European Prayer Breakfast held in Brussels. “We cannot leave our faith at the door when going into politics.”
Abel was the first martyr for his faith; and his example, together with the words of Scripture, tells us that those who are killed for the sake of Christ do not lose their lives in vain.
“It is fashionable to attack religion”, thinks Rodney Holder. New atheists are “not well informed about many aspects of Christianity”, adds Conway-Morris. Alister McGrath: “Atheism is noisy, has not good answers.”
The Canadian singer in an in-depth interview. “I love Jesus and that was my salvation. I want to share what I’m going through and what I’m feeling and I think it shouldn’t be ostracised.”
In an interview on a local television show, the ex-convict who converted to Christianity explained that he just felt an “urge” in his heart to ask God to protect cops.
A Pew research survey shows that most US evangelicals think being stingy is more sinful than divorce.
“Dialogue is not a luxury: it is a vital necessity if we want to coexist well”, Pablo Martínez Vila said at the inauguration of RZ Foundation for Dialogue between Faith and Culture in Madrid.
There can come a point when levels of indebtedness are so high that efforts to pay in full will be counter-productive.
Wes Craven, who recently passed away, was brought up in a strict Baptist church. He received a Christian education, which he rebelled against in his youth.
A young Christian managed to get me into his comic book school. I was able to witness to his whole class, in spite of the teacher being visibly ill at ease about God being talked about so freely in his class.
God has given every one of us certain privileges, abilities and gifts. What are we going to do with them?
How to respond to the moral fall of some Christian leaders? “A clear conscience of sin and confession are indispensable to start restoration”, says psychiatrist Pablo Martinez.
Two evangelical pastors in Szeged share their views after borders are closed to refugees. The country “will need the church to help integrate and accept the refugees who stay”.
Hope is not simply a virtue or bonus of life, but it is an essential anthropological given – a primary human emotion that is often overlooked in research.
When you read a book, are you one of those people who, like me, love to be kept in suspense until the very last moment?
The film which won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, “Ida”, is a battle between reason and faith, the body and the spirit, hatred and forgiveness.
In this 13th chapter of Hosea we unexpectedly come across one of the most remarkable verses in the book, if not in the whole Old Testament. But first we need to see its context.
Evangelical pastor Nicolas Guérékoyaméné-Gbangou and leaders of Muslim and Catholic communities in the country were awarded after achieving to reconcile religious groups amidst a crisis.
Researching evidence for the Big Bang was a turning point in her conversion:” I was awakening to what Psalm 19 tells us.”
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