She lived 4,000 years ago and, although she can hardly be called a celebrity, even today people all over the world are still reading about her.
“Many atheists are beginning to see that their loud, aggressive attitude is not working”, says Mathematics Prof. John Lennox in an interview with Evangelical Focus. “We need to spend time to get to know Scripture at beyond a kind of Sunday school class level”.
What does it mean to be Catholic? The question is simple but the answer is fraught with complexities.
New atheism, the definition of "faith", Christianity in Europe, the role of the Bible in mission, and the need to listen more. An exclusive interview recorded at "Forum Apologética" (Tarragona, Spain) in May 2016.
In France, some football players not only fight to lift the tournament trophy for their national teams but also bear testimony of their faith in Jesus.
The servant has to travel a road that is far from straightforward; and through his journey in Genesis 24 we can learn a lot. The one characteristic that stands out above all others is his single-mindedness in serving his master.
Thousands of people blindly follow their spiritual leaders to the death. Millions of men and women are willing to give their lives for an ideal... all following dead gods.
Italian pastor Giovanni Traettino believes “the Word of God is moving and acting in the Catholic Church.” The Pentecostal leader encourages other churches to have an “open” approach to the Vatican. “Pope Francis is my brother in Christ”, he says in an interview with Evangelical Focus.
Any accommodation to the idea that we are ultimately capable of saving ourselves, any accommodation to the fact that salvation is not God’s gift from beginning to end is a slippery slope towards a false gospel.
Christian weekly newspaper Uusi Tie (Finland) made a survey of the number of Christian baptisms among the new immigrants in the country. At least 235 baptisms of new Christians are documented.
In Fiji, the surfer beats world number one Tyler Wright. Hamilton lost one arm after a shark attack when she was 13 years old. Her story and faith was explained in the film 'Soul Surfer'.
We have become increasingly accustomed to corruption in high places, and this has resulted in a cynicism towards those in power.
There remain many who believe that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Their reasoning, argues Nabeel Qureshi, a former Muslim, is flawed.
When an important decision needs to be made, few will ask the opinion of a youth, for he "doesn't carry any weight" and he's got "a lot to learn".
The Oxford Mathematics Professor spoke to 230 participants at the 2016 Apologetics Forum (Spain). John Lennox encouraged Christians to ask good questions and listen more. “We should get rid of the idea that apologetics is only for ‘smart’ Christians.”
With 94 % of the vote counted, the Filipino boxer is in the seventh place among the candidates for 12 Senate seats. It was known he had becme target of jihadist group.
Some of us, like Churchill and Isaac, may have a defining period in our lives, which leaves everything else in the shade.
A Christian Maths student is interviewed about her faith on the back cover of a secular Spanish national newspaper.
Scorsese and Schrader’s film revolves around the search for redemption in figures such as Travis, who are buried in an urban inferno, constantly fighting to free themselves of their sins.
The videos, released on April 14, also feature Chilean miner Jose Henriquez and author Alister McGrath, among other well-known Christians.
I find it amazing that God would “overcome” the world in the worst thinkable way, by letting his son be condemned to death. He allowed the darkest force to be used against him.
When we decide to follow Jesus, his resurrection life enters into our bodies, so that we are ‘in Christ’ and we become a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!
So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). Bad company corrupts good character.
The politician came to faith in a Brethren church and later was member of the Waldensian church. He had strong convictions but was distinguished by his commitment to dialogue and peace.
After he made a decision to follow the Lord Jesus, Hersey Hawkins began to understand what it meant to be happy in all circumstances, even when he had to train alone in the gym for hours.
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