In search of authenticity (4): Schaeffer was looking for the human contact that might reopen the discussion that the debate had closed.
Do we want to be healed, say, of our greed or bad moods? I’m not quite sure. Being healed includes changes and sacrifices.
It gets mentioned in outreach planning. Preachers long to experience it through each new sermon. Reports on social media stir our longings.
Michael felt that church leaders tend to see journalists as enemies. But they forget that journalists are all on very tight deadlines.
“We should allow people to have robust debates about their ideas”, says Christel Lamère.
And adventure camp is the first part of a Czech training programme for Christians aged 13 to 17. “Pastors and Christian leaders shared with them stories of their calling and lives”.
Rebeca, a Nigerian Christian, was kidnapped for 2 years, raped and got pregnant with the son of a terrorist. Her faith made her strong to endure the terror.
It is easy to deconstruct other points of view but what about your own views?
“We make it clear to asylum seekers who want to convert that furthering their application is not a reason to become a Christian”, a pastor says.
These insects are mentioned in the Bible ten times, in the Old and New Testament.
God never deceives anyone! No friend is as important as he is. No-one can understand you as well as God does.
We are hungry for it, but we fear it so much. Bend space and transcend time, no worries, but don’t ascribe it real meaning.
A short video on Colossians 2:3: “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.
This educationalist, Prime Minister and theologian has left an imprint on Dutch churches, schools, media and politics visible even a full century later.
God had always sought for fellowship with man and intimacy even when Adam and Eve sinned.
Laden Nouri (Iran) first learned about Christianity through her newly converted cousin. After becoming a follower of Jesus, she helped start house churches and ended up in jail. Watch her story.
In search of authenticity (3): Francis Schaeffer’s interest was not so much to win arguments, but to win people.
Slavik Lytvynenko is an Ukranian research professor in Prague. “Athanasius taught me that work has meaning only when done with the divine perspective in mind”.
Peter tells us that we have been called to blessing, in order to inherit a blessing.
Texts from the Bible, the Quran, the Torah and Buddhist and secular texts were read during the service by young people of different denominations.
We need to respond with the values that we see in Jesus Christ’s life.
Two evangelical Christians were near the Ramblas when the terrorist attack happened. “The people were running and shouting”.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be good enough to "compete" in heaven!
It's often essential in life to fight on without wasting a second, especially in the spiritual realm.
For the Catholic Church, “by grace alone” means that grace is intrinsically, constitutionally, and necessarily linked to the sacrament, and thus to the Church that administers it.
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