Music cannot be “Christian”, only people can take up the cross of Christ and follow him.
The children born between 1999 and 2015 are the first truly “post-Christian” generation. Some of the biggest barriers to belief are the problem of evil and a perceived hypocrisy among Christians.
Talent show singers Amaia and Alfred will perform the ballad in Lisbon. Songwriter Sylvia Santoro: “I believe God has put things in the right place and time”.
Counsellor Ed Welch speaks about the impact of praying together.
Evangelical preacher and musician Fabricio Alvarado leads the polls. His defence of traditional marriage clashes with a recent resolution of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Humans are intrinsically religious because there is a real God who created us and who we are searching for.
Educator and journalist Jordi Torrents shares images of the Sekeleka social centre in Mozambique. About 50 children live there, many with some kind of disability. All photos were taken with permission.
How will we react if God calls us to take a step of faith which could have drastic consequences?
He is one of several Christians in the country who are now publicly asking to be recognised and respected: “We are no aliens, we are Moroccans”.
The World Cup champion says: “Father, it was much more than I could ever imagined. Thank you! I’m now ready for the next journey. In Jesus’ name, Amen”.
Christians in Europe are “finally taking the challenge of climate change seriously”, says Dave Bookless of A Rocha.
God expects us to be faithful to him.
- ‘My kids and I used to make dens in their bedrooms with sheets and things. We made up this whole new world, full of adventures… ‘
You may not agree with the President of the USA in many things, but in this he is right - the gift of Christmas is offered to each one of us.
Czech researcher David Vokoun shares about what it means to live out his faith in the workplace. “What makes a difference is my motivation for doing my work”.
Stories about lost children explore our greatest fears. The big TV revelation this summer was an impressive Argentinean series produced by HBO called The Bronze Garden.
Macron announces the end of the state of emergency, but faith groups become more vulnerable as government gains power to investigate hate speech.
There is a slavery that is all the more insidious for being largely hidden and undetected: the slavery of sin.
Former Google and Uber engineer Anthony Levandowski, founds Way of the Future, which aims “to create a deity based on artificial intelligence for the betterment of society”.
Five hundred years later, the Solas give us as followers of Jesus our identity. When people ask, “What makes you an evangelical?”, we can respond with the five solas.
Speaking in Wittenberg on 31 October, the German Chancellor said the Reformation anniversary is “a great opportunity to strengthen the awareness about the Christian roots in our society”.
According to researchers, the solar eclipse took place on 30 October 1207 BC. If the words in Joshua “are describing a real observation, then a major astronomical event was taking place”.
There is always much more going on in the heavenly realms than we are aware of here on earth.
Any information that we have today of the existence of Spanish sixteenth century reformers we owe to a faceless man, Luis de Usoz (1805–1865).
The German-born Protestant scientist was the precursor of modern entomology. This year is the 300th anniversary of her death.
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