Western agencies must reskill to become effective intercultural facilitators, connecting people, skills, and resources behind Majority World strategies for mission.
A new survey shows that most countries see Donald Trump with good eyes. Evangelical Focus asked analysts why Europe has become so isolated and what it means for relationships between evangelical Christians on a global level.
The Congress Hall of Honour hosts the film ‘Amada’ and the signing of the Commitment to Life by senators and deputies from several parties.
A gathering of ministry and church leaders in Madrid, highlights the adaptation process that is taking place within the Spanish evangelical sphere.
The National Council of Evangelicals offers support to the victims. Most French evangelical organisations are part of the ‘Stop Abus’ service, launched in 2022, which has already helped 38 people.
In the midst of war, it is humbling to be reminded that the Creator of the universe is personally interested in each of us, and that His love for us is beyond our understanding.
The World Evangelical Alliance signed a memorandum with Korean denominations that form the organising committee for the event to be held in Seoul in October 2025.
‘In order to plan for a better life, we must stop and listen to the voice of God’, says Ilsen Canizares, a Christian doctor specialising in healthy ageing.
The missional flourishing in the Majority World or Global South should not be seen as missional privilege but the positioning of all God’s people to be servant partners.
The greatest sporting competition in the world helps us to reflect on success and failure.
The goal of preaching, theologically, is not just to learn about God, but to encounter Him, to enjoy Him, and be united to Him.
The instinct to withdraw into isolationism and nationalism is understandable, yet it plays into the hands of authoritarian, anti-democratic forces.
Society may be conditioned to support an approved narrative, but we are called to be men and women of truth.
How can or should churches respond to the upsurge of nationalism in general, and in particular the way in which it plays a key-role in populist movements?
So much has changed since the last European Parliament election in 2019, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the influence of nationalism. If anything, it is a bigger issue in 2024 than it was in 2019 or back in 2010.
May our votes in the upcoming elections go to those whose worldview promotes long-term sustainability.
The project installed 10 video monitors in waiting areas with short messages to prevent exploitation. Nearly 80% of European victims of human trafficking come from Romania.
The ‘I am a Guardian’ movement celebrated its tenth anniversary with its annual training on how to prevent and address child and adolescent abuse.
The risen Jesus is both impressively powerful, and intimately present in the church today. We need not despair at what we see around us.
The work of Pedro Tarquis and Pablo Martínez as founders of Spanish news website Protestante Digital was awarded in Madrid.
Over 700 people expressed their desire to accept the Gospel in an event organised by the BGEA with 420 Polish evangelical churches.
Burnout among mission workers is on the rise. The repercussions are far costlier to the team, family, marriage, and ministry, and negatively impact the gospel witness.
The National Council of Evangelicals in France strengthens its action to identify abuses and listen to victims from church contexts.
Are we setting a good example of observing the passage closely, interpreting accurately, and applying appropriately?
Europe is polycentric, not only on the cultural but also on the spiritual and religious level.
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