UK is less than 4 weeks away from their national election day. Evangelical Christians are offering all kind of resources to encourage believers to engage politically.
Italian Evangelicals and Minister Alfano commemorate violations of religious freedom by the fascist regime.
New WEA secretary general, “impressed by Ban Ki-moon’s desire to reach out to faith leaders and build trust”.
“Preaching a Christ with no power leads to a church with no message”, concluded the Spanish Evangelical Alliance at their annual meeting. Evangelical identity and ecumenism were the main topics under discussion.
The International Leadership Forum (ILF) in Tegucigalpa (Honduras) closed by commending Efraim Tendero as the new General Secretary of the World Evangelical Alliance.
Efraim Tendero told Evangelical Focus that challenges for the Gospel include “secularism and humanism dictating the agenda in today's society” and the “progress of Islam”.
Universities would be forced to hand over external speakers presentations to be approved. Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill will be debated again this week.
“We believe that the solution to the problem will not come through a shallow political messianism but through a spiritual awakening of our nation,” told president of the Greek Evangelical Alliance to Evangelical Focus.
New churches in northern Italy will need to have large parking sites and a “minimum distance” to other places of worship. Evangelicals fear “damage to freedom of religion” and denounce new rules might be “unconstitutional.”
Meetings helped “build relations” between Christian communities “for continuing local cooperation”. Impression from Czech Republic, Italy and Spain.
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