Aim is “to express the gifts of the Reformation and ask forgiveness for division perpetuated by the two traditions.” “It doesn’t make any sense”, says President of the Theology Comission of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, Jose Hutter.
Ahead of the referendum, the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and two Evangelical Parties oppose the proposition of allowing more research in medically assisted reproduction.
Authorities of Lloret de Mar fine local church for talking to tourists and offering evangelistic tracts. Mayor argues the activity breaks local regulations.
Dr Pablo Martinez is one of the authors of the ‘Pastoral Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse’. In an interview, he explains the causes from a biblical perspective, and recommends steps to take action.
Some of the ways that evangelical organisations are taking up the global challenge of implementing creation care as a mission task.
The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) welcomes the appointment. President Juncker announced that the former Education commissioner Jan Figel’ will take on a one year mandate.
The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance believes the views of evangelical minorities in Catholic countries should be “heared” before relating to the Vatican. In an interview with Evangelical Focus, he also highlighted the role of the churches in the refugee crisis.
The World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General participated in the Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly (Rome, 8-9 April). In this interview with Evangelical Focus, Bp Tendero talks about the need to listen to local churches and to face challenges like the refugee crisis and climate change.
“Catholicism continues to add places to the table and extend the menu”. The talk Leonardo de Chirico gave at the 2016 AEI annual assembly in Rome.
The “Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse”, released by the AEE, “wants to analyse the situation and give tools to the church, so that they can prevent the abuse.”
Efraim Tendero (World Evangelical Alliance) and Jaume Llenas (Spanish Evangelical Alliance) agree in their disapproval of ecumenism and emphasise mission: “If we stop sharing the gospel, we stop being evangelical Christians”. A second report from the 2016 Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly.
Authorities confirm more than 350 dead and great devastation in the north of the country. The World Evangelical Alliance expresses “confraternal solidarity in the love of Jesus Christ in this time of pain.”
The majority of Italian evangelicals are in favour of co-belligerence, but clearly dismiss ecumenism. A first report of the Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly, in Rome (8-9 April).
The Italian Evangelical Alliance celebrated its annual assembly in Rome (8-9 April). The theme was “Evangelical Faith and Roman Catholicism: where are we? Where are we going?”.
Professor Pietro Bolognesi and Italian Evangelical Alliance vice-president Leonardo de Chirico sahre their views ahead of the meeting which will discuss Roman Catholic-Evangelical relationships.
WEA’s Secretary General Efraim Tendero and Pentecostal pastor with personal friendship with Pope Francis Giovanni Traettino, among those invited to share their views in the assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
International Leadership Forum participants from across the world met in Seoul with local pastors. Table discussions about Bible engagement, Evangelism and Discipleship, Women and the Church.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance “welcomes the decision”, because the law “made it very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain the authorization to open a new worship place.”
Left-wing party Bloco de Esquerda targets Christians to celebrate new law allowing same-sex couples to adopt children.
“A secular society, with a firm separation between Church and State, is beneficial for both society and the Church”, Secretary General of EAI wrote in an article.
Swiss Evangelical Alliance believes it is “a step in the wrong direction” to reduce public aid to developing countries to only 0.3% of GDP.
Local church members “invite refugees to their homes, let their children get to know their children, show them where to get a discount on children’s clothes.”
The Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) round tables gathered experts, Christian NGOs and church leaders in Catania to analyse the crisis Europe is facing and find ways to “offer integral help.”
New Word Evangelical Alliance premises should not be compared to the Vatican City or other world religions' centres, Director of Communications Timothy Goropevsky explains.
Every church should “identify what are the principal challenges in your city or town, for your neighbours, and for the young people down your street”, says church planter Jim Memory.
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