Full statement responding to a bill expected to be approved by the Spanish Parliament in September 2017. It would strongly restrict freedom of speech and of religion.
Jaume Llenas on the aims and motivations of the statement released by Spanish Evangelical Alliance regarding the LGBT bill that will be discussed in September in the Spanish Parliament.
A petition asking members of the Spanish parliament to stop the draft law reaches 5,000 signatures in 24 hours.
About 1,400 children and teenagers (with parents and youth leaders) asked the Swiss government to readmit nine Christian youth organisations that have been expelled from the national “Youth + Sport” programme.
Ravi Zacharias spoke at the General Assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Hundreds joined a march in Rome to pray for the country.
The German Evangelical Alliance describes the Protestant State Church’s support for gay marriage as “catastrophic.” The law was passed despite the opposition of Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The US withdrawal will make climate change solutions more difficult, and climate catastrophe more likely. The decision is unjust, immoral and unworthy of a great nation.
The bill could be approved after the summer. A state agency would actively promote LGBT ideology in schools, workplaces, sport events and media. Anyone accused of discrimination will have to prove their innocence.
Half of the 62 victims died in their cars while trying to escape the flames. As Portugal recovers from the shock, churches in the region offer support.
Under the title “Change”, the project shares personal faith stories of citizens, intersting figures about the 500th anniversary, and introduces “the greatest Reformer, Jesus.”
A bishop in Spain was booed by 100 people after a Sunday worship service. “Debate is being replaced by coercion”, says Jaume Llenas, secretary general of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
The Refugee Campaign offers prayer materials, advocacy resources and a Sunday service order to pray and engage with refugees on 18 and 25 June.
“We realise that there is a need and a conviction in relation to the divine”, says António Calaim. Hundreds of young evangelicals will engage Catholics in conversations about the Bible.
The New Testament writers tell us that God’s honour is not something so fragile that it needs to be protected by legal restrictions.
At least 29 people have died in the protests during this month. The Latin Evangelical Alliance has called the Christians to pray for Venezuela.
Is the exit-strategy (like the one seen with Brexit) the only way forward amidst the widespread dissatisfaction towards the EU?
The criminalization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia is a mistake, says the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Freedom of worship should be guaranteed for everyone, “even for those who, in our view, are completely wrong.”
Mobs led by Buddhist monks threat church members in several areas of the country. The homes of pastors have been attacked and new legal measures reduce the constitutional right to freedom of worship.
The Christian Teacher’s Network gathers 400 people in the Czech Republic, the most secular country in Europe. They aim to share vision and resources with teachers in other countries.
Swiss organisations serving 10,000 young people every year will no longer work alongside public youth agencies. The government’s decision is “degrading” for Christians workers, says expert Andi Bachmann.
Church leaders are usually “at the limit of their emotional and spiritual resources”, says José Hutter, theologian and pastor in Spain. A national seminar will address the challenges of Christian leadership.
Eight in ten citizens voted in key elections. Far-right candidate only gets 13% of the vote and Right-wing Liberal Mark Rutte will try tro form government. Christians are called to “ministry of reconciliation”, evangelicals say.
Evangelical churchgoers are 0.4 per cent of the population and in some regions believers are almost “invisible”. The average size of an evangelical church is 49 people, according to a study produced by the Portuguese Evangelical Alliance.
Top politicians, LGBT activists and social media users condemn bus carrying message: ‘Boys have penis, girls have vulva’. Evangelicals demand dialogue and warn against “anger that diminishes capacity of reasoning”.
Spanish evangelicals propose new theses in areas like politics or science.
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