A new report says evangelical Christians represent 54% of French Protestants while 30% are Lutherans-Reformed. According to researchers, the strong growth of evangelical churches leads to a “reconfiguration of Protestantism”.
An event held in Madrid shows the successes of the Nordic model, which punishes the client, to curb trafficking and prostitution.
Peter Lynas of the Evangelical Alliance UK asks to “pray for youth workers, church leaders and others working behind the scenes to ease tensions and work for peace”.
It is a challenge to safeguard space where we can be exposed and unhindered to Bible engagement and prayer. But input determines output and it will shape our thoughts and then our speech.
Prince Philip died at the age of 99. “He was extremely interested in theology”. Many religious leaders showed their condolences and highlighted his faith.
The Revivalympics initiative encourages students to pray for a revival in the university context. Over 1,100 “from every corner of Europe” have already registered for the second Revive conference at the end of this year.
In their books, Jorge Fernández and Jaime Fernández send words of encouragement to all those fighting for their lives in an era of pandemic and euthanasia.
So much of our time is spent with entertainment and social media these days; we need to reengage with God’s Great Story not only on Sundays.
In an online event organised by the FOCL, the Italian evangelical theologian will address issues such as the doctrines of the Catholic Church and the influence of Pope Francis.
The Swiss theologian was the forerunner of positions considered at the time "extreme" or even "disruptive" which then became "mainstream".
Christian workers in the Nordic country are both being recruited and sent out to countries around the world. "We cannot allow money to replace people".
The local transport company removed Festival of Hope ads from its buses in 2018. A court has now ruled that it was “a wholesale disregard for the right to freedom of expression”.
An emphasis has been placed on helping to strengthen and develop national Evangelcal Alliances, especially those founded in recent decades.
Volunteers of the Evangelical Centre of the Portuguese city support the doctors and nurses as over 36,000 will be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the next weeks.
Churches in the region have launched a campaign with posters featuring John 3:16 and the slogan: “You are the passion of Christ”.
The court finds no evidence to conclude that their intention was to cause a human avalanche. The prosecutor had asked for 4 years of prison for each of the nine Christians.
The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine debate has disrupted European vaccination plans. Spanish evangelical scientists ask to remain calm and be rigorous.
The large majority of women who terminated their pregnancy were between 18 and 34 years old. Only 4% of abortions were due to medical or criminal reasons.
Women from a wide range of organisations and political views, including an evangelical pastor, explained the dangers of the 'trans draft law' at a round table organised by the Feminist Party.
Angela Merkel today is recognised as one of the world’s most successful and trusted political leaders. Why?
Evangelical politicians say changing the preamble of the Constitution would “signal that we want a society without God” that gets rid of the “values” that came with Christianity.
The 1990s were a decade of fundamental change, not only in European society but also for the EEA. One expression of this change was the growth in membership.
The evangelical party Christen Unie retains the 5 seats they had in the country’s parliament.
Why the UK Evangelical Alliance is standing against abusive practices and defending religious freedom.
Recent surveys confirm that an ever-increasing number of people under 23 identify as “non-binary”. Psychiatrist Glynn Harrison and theologian Olof Edsinger outline some of the causes behind the trend.
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