‘Industrials for Christ' brings together professionals and amateurs from the construction sector to reform Christian facilities and to help unbelievers know Christ better.
The missionary vision of William Fetler led to starting the first Bible School in Riga. You can see this vision woven into the architecture of the fully renovated old building.
Eleven years later, Spanish evangelicals will gather for a new Bioethics congress. Non-Christians are welcome in a programme that will address issues such as euthanasia, artificial intelligence, and creation care.
In many countries, June is celebrated as Pride Month. We evangelicals should be aware that conversations about gender and sexuality have to do with fellow humans. By a church leader in Central Europe.
A survey says most German Protestants agree that social union is weakening. The government proposed mandatory voluntary service for young people.
ECPM now has four MEPs and brings together around 20 political parties. “We explicitly promote Christian values in politics”, says its President.
The Rome Scholars and Leaders Network held its fifth edition. It is unique for its disciplinary focus in Roman Catholicism and the quality of its program.
"Justice While Fleeing" looks at the situation of asylum seekers from different contexts. A doc by the intercultural working community of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance.
Hundreds of people took part in the Spain We Pray For You prayer marches held under the theme of “peacemakers” to encourage prayer for “the welfare of the city”.
Christians should be known for their ability to analyse cultural narratives, especially those that appeal to Christian values.
Zazpi Jausi “facilitates after-school sports practice” for dozens of children from vulnerable backgrounds. “It is an instrument of blessing”, say its founders
Sculpturers, musicians, painters and others form a Christian network of artists in Europe. “God gives you both talent and responsibility”, they say.
The new headquarters of the entity is in Madrid. “We want you to see this place as the home of all who love the Bible”, said the general director.
The German debate around the CDU party is not new. Everywhere in Europe the Christian Democracy is on the defeat. This is a warning for evangelicals as well.
Evangelical churches acknowledge the serious refugee crisis but “continue to selflessly and tirelessly respond to the overwhelming needs around them”.
There are almost 700 million African Christians, and many live in Western countries. Israel Olofinjana analyses the challenges and opportunities for African mission in Europe.
Around 300 children participated in the event held in the Spanish region. “It encourages coexistence and is a testimony to all”, says one of the organisers.
Worship album with “lyrics derived from the Scriptures” is released to “express gratitude, concerns and prayers related to the creation God has entrusted to us”.
“We are committed to protect religious freedom. It is unacceptable to persecute people for their belief”, said the Councillor of Justice of the regional government.
The main event was a congress that gathered over 300 people under the theme “Roots and zeal”. “We want to discern what God expects from us for the next years”.
June should have meant the start of the summer holidays for the young Ukrainians. But almost two out of every three children have been wrenched out of home, school and playground.
Official data show that 53% were fully performed at home. The government is planning to make those abortions permanent, like in England and Wales.
What makes African Christianity different from European Christianity? Where are African churches in Europe growing most and what can they offer to a secularised continent? An interview with the pastor and head of the One People Commission in the UK.
Both Ukrainian and Russian mothers have turned to magic and the occult and bought amulets, protection letters, special icons, to stave off evil forces and protect their sons fighting in the war.
In a context of the war in Ukraine and after two online conference, participants saw the week in Wisla as a chance to renew the gospel vision for Europe.
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