The aim is to equip and mobilise university evangelists in Europe, so that public proclamation of the gospel becomes a regular feature of student ministry.
The ceremony, which began with the hymn “Sublime Gracia” (Amazing Grace), made it clear that this ‘new home’ for the congregation was intended to be a house open to the whole community.
As a team, we hope to find people in Europe and elsewhere who identify with our vision of faith and society. Learn how to donate towards #OneMoreYearEF.
The president of the Italian Evangelical Alliance, Giacomo Ciccone, spoke about religious freedom in a lecture held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Padua.
In the United Kingdom, carol services organised by churches are a massive outreach opportunity.
While the Spanish Prime Minister defends in Brussels his law to “start over”, many doubt that undoing the judges' sentences will bring a rapprochement between strongly opposing positions.
Christmas brings the “promise of the resurrection, that death is not the end”, the President of Spain's capital region said in a speech.
In its 20 years of existence, a news website about current affairs and the church in Spain has managed to bring together more than 500 authors from all kinds of evangelical denominations and backgrounds.
The government hopes to see less terrorist threats, but critics say it shows fear and a lack of trust in freedom of speech.
Five hundred participants at the European Parliament Prayer Breakfast in Brussels last Wednesday listened intently to a Palestinian Christian leader and others who are suffering under the Israel-Gaza conflict.
The National Council of Evangelicals in France approved a document to “bring vision and unity to the mission of the churches, without denying their diversity”.
Europe is polycentric, not only on the cultural but also on the spiritual and religious level.
The people who walked in darkness, with a leader like Napoleon, remained in darkness.
The European Refugee Highway Partnership team met with ministry and church leaders in Warsaw. The event brought together leaders from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Egypt, and various EU countries.
Let’s continue to examine our desires to do mission, explore other ways people use to serve, listen more to each other and enjoy the mission together.
Democracy cannot simply be taken for granted. Vigilance is essential to resist unbridled self-interest and to promote the human dignity of all and human rights for all.
I feel ashamed that immigrants to our beautiful country would be bullied into not even being able to attend church, writes the leader of the Evangelical Alliance Ireland.
For 20 years, Open Arms Outreach has been serving children and other vulnerable people in a region with much poverty. The vision is to plant churches that serve as community centres.
The Open Arms Outreach initiative in the deprived Romanian area of Calarasi, has been working for 20 years now. It reaches children and other vulnerable people, and wants every church to be a community centre.
The victory of the Freedom Party shocks the European scenario. While traditional Christian parties suffer losses, “it is no secret that some believers love Wilders”, says journalist Evert Van Vlastuin.
VUSH, the country’s Evangelical Alliance, held its General Assembly. Over 190 churches and organisations are among its members.
In a Q&A session in the parliament, the German Chancellor stressed that “it is unacceptable when men buy women. That has always outraged me morally”.
Archbishop Justin Welby says Anglicans will “seek to move forward together”, but churches in England and in other parts of the world say the moves lead to a “fracture”.
The evangelical pastor in Madrid thanked his “Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ”. His son’s reactions following the ceremony from home became viral on social media.
The European Lausanne Movement gathering in Budapest brought together Christian leaders from 37 countries. It was an open conversation using new formats, say Jim Memory and Usha Reifsnider.
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