A ‘sharp right turn’ is coming up fast as we approach elections across Europe this year, at both national and European levels. Migrant-scapegoating and nationalism is on the rise in our continent.
The European Parliament elections are a strategic opportunity to launch new political parties. In countries like Spain, some dream of having a first-ever evangelical representative in Brussels.
Youth attending a worship place regularly are expected to have an average fertility rate of 2.1, much higher than the average for any European country.
A final text is expected for March. An evangelical bioethics group laments the lack of effective efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
For some time now, the political right in Germany has been using the term ‘remigration’ to seek a ethnic cleansing in the country. These views cannot be justified from a gospel perspective.
The Greek Evangelical Alliance defends the right of children to have a father and a mother. They perceive ideological pressure from Western European countries.
Olga is a survivor. The first time she escaped death was before she was even born. She was a Chernobyl baby, later a war refugee.
How urgent the problems in our world and how old-fashioned the proposed solutions at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Loss of trust and loss of faith may go hand in hand.
The venue in Besançon was chosen because it is well served. “It is not the place that makes the church, it is the people who make it”, says the pastor.
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez seeks a national agreement to stop the “epidemic”. Spain is the EU country with highest consumption of porn among minors. Evangelical groups have long called for this issue to be addressed.
The Christian parliamentarian will again defend that expressing her biblical understanding of marriage and homosexuality is a matter of freedom of speech. “I have a peaceful mind”.
While the political actors involved welcome the agreement, evangelical organisations take a critical look at the details of the pact.
Today, secular Europeans have a very acute radar. They crave substance, not hype; what is real, not what is fake. They want God, not Christianity-lite. How can we meet this commendable need? By raising the bar spiritually.
From 14 to 21 January, Europeans are invited to reflect and pray for the mission through the articles of the Lausanne Covenant in its 50th anniversary.
Amendments to the law on the activities of religious organisations make it difficult to plant new churches and many could be forced to close.
In the last twelve months, over 400,000 users visited Evangelical Focus. See what countries in Europe and globally visited us most.
Macron’s government wants to see more Muslim preachers trained in France. The step is connected to the 2020 anti-separatism law to fight radical Islamism.
“We want to eliminate prejudices, to listen, talk, accompany, and remember that with God there is always a second chance”, say Basque evangelical leaders.
The Lisbon Project has supported over 3500 migrants and refugees arriving in Portugal. All its activities are designed to be a place where people feel they belong.
We acknowledge that the source of goodness in our lives lies at least partially outside ourselves: other people, nature, and ultimately God.
The Revive Conference at the end of year in Krakow hopes to gather 3,000 young people. “We ask God to do what He alone can do”, says director Sarah Breuel.
In a Europe that has widely turned its back on the story that, far more than any other, has shaped its culture and civilisation, Christmas remains a paradox.
In the cities, nativity scenes seem to be back in fashion, and some political leaders even make explicit Christmas greetings mentioning the birth of Jesus.
A student killed 14 in a university faculty in the city centre. “I pray that the Light will shine once more in our darkness”, says a Christian leader in Prague.
Over 300 Christian graduates and professionals from all backgrounds came together to listen to Dan Strange and other speakers on the theme of how to turn all spheres of life into an act of worship to God.
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