Few remember how distrusting, fearful and uncertain the post-war years of the late 1940s were, with lives, bodies, families, cities and nations having been broken, disrupted and destroyed. How do you rebuild out of such brokenness?
At a private gathering with religious leaders, the president encouraged them to promote French-style 'laicité' and spoke about hot issues like his plans on euthanasia and the State's dialogue with Muslims.
Europe debates whether to accept Trump’s challenge to raise military spending to 5%. But followers of Jesus are not recognised by their political orientation, but by their affiliation with the God of Peace.
The 23 February election could turn frustration into a historic rise of the far right. A journalist points to the importance of “acknowledge other opinions and not immediately condemn them”.
He compared himself to the biblical King David, without mentioning God or Jesus at any point in the ceremony, which was opposed in the streets by thousands.
The average age of marriage has risen to 28. “Society and churches prepare people for the wedding, but not for marriage”, says a pastor from Cluj-Napoca. Hypersexualisation and uncertainty about the future do not help either.
Hugo Pinto, writer and preacher in Portugal, reflects on the practicality of faith in all areas, including finance. “Money is like a knife in the kitchen”.
Pundits warn that in 2025 we are heading back to the law of the jungle, a world where might is right and money manipulates.
More than 450 authors and almost 30,000 contents published since the website was launched in January 2015. “The journey we have made reinforces the idea that approaching current affairs from a Christian perspective is not only relevant but necessary”.
As every year the European Evangelical Alliance encourages churches to join to pray. “Jude's letter has a very important message for our time ”.
Jesus talked of wheat and tares growing up together. Here is a random sample of both in the last 25 years.
A report of FEREDE denounces obstacles to the opening new places of worship, discrimination and the lack of a solution for retired pastors without pensions.
Yet for all the blame heaped on ‘religion’ for wars and strife, the influence of the teaching of the babe of Bethlehem on loving God and neighbour has been unparalleled.
The uncertainty that surrounded Mary and Joseph when Jesus was born shows us what kind of God was coming to be with us. In a stable, a child arrived to identify with our helplessness.
The evangelical churches in the southern Spanish city brought the Christian message of Christmas to the city in a joint event attended by the authorities.
Five people have died after being hit by a car at a Christmas market. Christian representatives have expressed their grief at the “inhumane attack”.
If we are open to hear the voice of the global Church, to receive its help, and to serve it; then Europe still has a key part to play in the evangelisation of the earth.
The team behind the end-of-year gathering for thousands of Generation Z young adults longs to see “personal revivals for the love of Jesus”. Director Sarah Breuel points out “the huge difference between consecration and legalism”.
The roots of human rights actually go back much further than the Enlightenment, to minority Christian traditions including Mennonites and Baptists.
The situation of the + 30 million gypsies across Europe is similar. They are the excluded ones, the ones kept at a distance.
If we seek ultimate glory in the human being, we will travel all the paths of Ecclesiastes' frustration.
Europe’s identity as ‘Christendom’, a unity with much diversity, distinct from her pagan Eurasian roots, led to self-perception as a ‘continent’.
A panel discussion at the EU Parliament analyses the challenges of religious freedom in Europe. The European Prayer Breakfast was held before with around 450 guests.
The master class “will explore our deep-felt needs and how to segue from the topic of longings to a presentation of the Gospel”.
Paradoxically, in secular Europe, cathedrals continue to be among the most visited tourist sites.
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