Volunteers of the Evangelical Centre of the Portuguese city support the doctors and nurses as over 36,000 will be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the next weeks.
Churches in the region have launched a campaign with posters featuring John 3:16 and the slogan: “You are the passion of Christ”.
The court finds no evidence to conclude that their intention was to cause a human avalanche. The prosecutor had asked for 4 years of prison for each of the nine Christians.
The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine debate has disrupted European vaccination plans. Spanish evangelical scientists ask to remain calm and be rigorous.
The large majority of women who terminated their pregnancy were between 18 and 34 years old. Only 4% of abortions were due to medical or criminal reasons.
Women from a wide range of organisations and political views, including an evangelical pastor, explained the dangers of the 'trans draft law' at a round table organised by the Feminist Party.
Angela Merkel today is recognised as one of the world’s most successful and trusted political leaders. Why?
Evangelical politicians say changing the preamble of the Constitution would “signal that we want a society without God” that gets rid of the “values” that came with Christianity.
The 1990s were a decade of fundamental change, not only in European society but also for the EEA. One expression of this change was the growth in membership.
The evangelical party Christen Unie retains the 5 seats they had in the country’s parliament.
Why the UK Evangelical Alliance is standing against abusive practices and defending religious freedom.
Recent surveys confirm that an ever-increasing number of people under 23 identify as “non-binary”. Psychiatrist Glynn Harrison and theologian Olof Edsinger outline some of the causes behind the trend.
Strengthening unity and cooperation amongst evangelicals was at the forefront of EEA programmes during the 1970s, along with a continuing emphasis on evangelism.
“86% of GPs worried about women having a medical abortion past the legal limit or being coerced”, a poll finds. “The government has chosen to abandon woman to DIY abortion”.
The purpose of this article is to show ten ways in which Greco-Roman philosophy, religion, and worldview influenced Christian theology.
Evangelical churches and entities have begun to aid assisting victims on the ground and sending donations.
The Evangelical Council of Catalonia defends “non-violence as a tool for transformation” and asks Christians to “pray for social peace”.
Olaf Latzel is the pastor of St. Martini Church, he was sentenced by a court in December for hate speech against homosexuals. This evangelical community has been targeted by radicals before.
One recurring theme at EEA events was the authority of Scripture. Especially during the 1960s, the battle against modern theology attracted considerable attention, leading finally to a declaration in 1965.
Citizens supported the initiative despite the opposition of the parliament majority. Swiss Christians disagreed over how to protect both women and religious freedom.
The government wants to present a freedom of conscience bill this year, but social actors (including evangelicals) are not convinced about changing the religious freedom law.
The death of the 25-year old Michèle Käch and her recently married husband Christoph causes shock among churches in the city of Thun.
The annual meeting of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance addressed the challenges of freedom of conscience, the mission of the church, and its role in a society marked by the pandemic.
Psychologist Diane Langberg will address the theme “Redeeming power: understanding authority and abuse in the church” in an online event hosted by the Forum of Christian Leaders.
A report of the Spanish public TV shows the social action of evangelical associations during the pandemic. “We put the five loaves and two fish, and the Lord has multiplied them”.
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