Evangelicals in Catalonia and the rest of Spain analyse the government's decision to free the convicted leaders of the Catalan independence process.
Satanists set fire to many churches in Norway in the 1990s. Now churches are not attacked as often as they used to, and smaller denominations hardly ever experience church fires.
A representative of the local authorities congratulated the graduates. Spanish evangelical leaders also attended the event.
Local and regional authorities attended the groundbreaking of the Nou hospital evangèlic and recognised its service to the city.
The answer to the question ‘are you religious’ or ‘do you belong to a religion’ depends on what the respondents understand by being ‘religious.’
The Evangelical Alliance calls on the UK government to permit congregational singing in English churches.
7 Conversations is a suite of interactive multimedia resources. The aim is to help local churches “to thrive among all generations and bring young adults to faith in Jesus”.
An interview with investigative journalist Julie Roys was one of the items of the Italian Evangelical Alliance annual event.
With more than 140 years of history, the hospital will keep the evangelical values that underpin its identity, committed to the integral care of people.
On 17th June, the Christian apologist and author will be interviewed in an online event as part of the Lausanne Europe agenda to prepare the November gathering in Poland.
Hers is a story of sheltering Jews, of imprisonment in Nazi concentration camps, a surprise release and of her worldwide mission to spread a message of forgiveness.
The Council had justified its decision because of previous comments on sexuality of one of the speakers. Now it admits that it "acted unlawfully” and against religious freedom.
The mentorship programme Cross-Current has conducted a study among 350 Christian graduates over the past four years. Many have “a strong desire to apply biblical integrity and virtues to their work” but they face “real challenges”.
According to the European Values Survey, migrants are more likely to belong to either a Muslim community or to be evangelical / Pentecostal than are the non-migrants.
“We have a responsibility to prevent, to react and to set an example in whatever we can do”, the CNEF says. Since 2019, eleven cases in evangelical churches have been reported.
The 2021 European Evangelical Alliance annual event will be held online (7-10 June). “Our mission requires perspectives and contributions from all spheres of society”.
The Matić report says “barriers in the access to abortion” lead to “inequalities in achieving women’s rights across the EU”. A final resolution is expected to be passed on 23 June.
Participants from all over the world “received encouragement and inspiration through specialized training, mentoring and networking”, say the organisers of the European Leadership Forum.
In the year of the pandemic, nearly 7,000 people died by euthanasia, the highest number since the practice was legalised two decades ago.
Harvard, Princeton and Yale experts say the prosecution of the Christian parliamentarian for incitement against homosexuals “will compel Finland’s lay religious believers to choose between prison and abandoning teachings of their various faiths”.
The new Islamic worship centre in the centric Taksim Square “now occupies a prominent place among the symbols of Istanbul”, says Turkish President Erdogan.
There is increasing cultural diversity that works against the traditional beliefs. The critical factor is the extent to which religious involvement is transmitted to the younger generation.
In an open letter, priests and other members of the Swedish Lutheran Church say they believe in “a humanity in all the colours of the rainbow, absolutely amazing and infinite in its diversity”.
Several Spanish entities are coordinating with local churches to respond to the needs resulting from the migration crisis.
In Finland, a documentary film is being produced about the Christian politician prosecuted for expressing her views about the Bible and homosexuality.
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