I hope that Christian church organizations will seriously address the issue of pastoral care and radically stop the obvious abuse of power by “spirit hunters”.
The church welcomed hundreds trick or treating in their neighbourhood to bravely enter a ‘Battle Zone’ in order to discover Light on a Dark Night.
Europe and European culture had been shaped overwhelmingly by the gospel story.
For many, the celebration of evil at Halloween is as meaningless to them as their celebration of Christ’s death at Easter. We have the opportunity to raise questions and address underlying realities.
While evangelical and Muslim places of worship grew significantly, the rest of the confessions remained the same or fell in number compared to 2023.
A first-hand account of visiting church plants, heroes of faith in a Muslim context, and pioneering work among women, children, and ex-drug addicts.
If the integration process in the big city is not successful, we risk losing several generations of young people who will live their spirituality away from the local church. By Ismael Rodelgo.
The start of the academic year in Europe has brought out the differences between those who ban mobile phones and those who opt to manage technology in the classroom. Dámaris García, a psychologist working with young people, explains her point of view.
The year 1880 was indeed a pivotal year in Van Gogh’s life, when he rejected institutional Christianity and what he saw as the hypocrisy of the clergy.
The Eurodiaconia event in Santander brought together experts and non-profit organisations from a range of countries, which shared about their best practices.
On 5 October, evangelicals from many churches gathered in Burgas for the seventh National Day of Prayer. The initiative drew attention to the importance of collective intercession as a force for spiritual transformation and societal renewal.
Countries such as Argentina or Korea have grown exponentially in the number of believers over the last decades, why not Spain?
“In this sad time, it gives me great joy that the church is showing how God's love tastes”, says a pastor in Jeseník, one of the towns most affected in the Czech Republic.
In a straightforward style, Stéphane Lauzet describes the steps different streams of evangelicalism in France did to create the National Council of Evangelical Christians. “They put aside their preconceptions and recognised their common faith”.
Four ways Lausanne’s latest congress in Incheon-Seoul impacted global evangelicalism.
Muriel Furrer, a young cyclist in Switzerland, died while competing in the World Championships. She was 18 years old and had a deep faith in Christ, which she often expressed on social media.
Several people were arrested after an American woman died in the so called ‘Sarco’ capsule. The Swiss interior minister says it is not legally compliant.
All plenaries, workshops and roundtables were oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel in our personal and collective spheres of influence.
A report of the conference of media ministries associated with TWR in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.
The topic stimulated a broad comparison between the various positions and experiences in our country and beyond.
“Our God is a generous God, and that will never change”, says a church leader in this rural region of Switzerland.
While AI does not pose an existential threat to humanity, we must be aware of the concerning ways it is shaping our understandings of God, ourselves, and the world around us.
The leader of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance is invited to speak on freedom of conscience, as ‘Reformismo21’ opens a channel to learn about what evangelicals think of a range of societal issues.
“Pray that what is really in the hearts of the individual candidates is revealed”, says Oliver Stozek, leader of the Austrian Evangelical Alliance.
In the first five months of 2024, 18,000 migrants arrived on the Canary Islands' coasts. Leaders of churches say solidarity is needed between regions in Spain.
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